.Sunday, January 25, 2009 ' 12:50 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
13th jan 2009.
supposely we set this day to eat steamboat together (with my colleugues) but ended up that day they say dont want go liao. somemore if im not wrong is gek say dont want go even though she`s the one who raised up this topic. ><"! she even say "organiser doesnt mean must go ah" im very pissed at that moment actually. but suan le. dont go jiu dont go liao. but abit disappointing loh.
*dingdong. opps. relative come liao. hahahs. renuion lunch. hahahs!
back to the topic. after tat. me and valerie decided to go kbox ! wahahahs. too bad mee wah bu fang bian go along. if not more fun. then we sing sang sung till 5am i then reach home. another record break! hahahs. somemore when i step home. sis bathing, preparing go school liao. hahhahas! damn tired. somemore we both work late shift for the next day. hahahss!
Labels: 13th kan 2009
. ' 12:45 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
cant really rmb what happened past few weeks actually.but i just got some memories back from my schedule book. hahahs.
as stated on my little book. on the 6th of jan 2009. i kanna scolded by the cleaner uncle at lucky plaza.
mummy bought breakfast for me that time. but because ive got my own shipment(blogshop lah) to clear. so i never had my breakfast. mummy abit pissed off. so ive got no choice but to bring the food to work lah. so normally during my break time i will go somewhere buy food mah. then i nv inform the others also. who knows they actually want go lucky plaza (LP) makan. then i pyscho me bring there loh. then okay lah. bring there loh.
then after they bought their food and we start makan alr. there`s this cleaner uncle stare and points at me and say (in chinese) " i try you ah. i give you one last chance. cannt bring outside food come. " alamak. ><"! abit stun leh. "give you one last chance" you police meh. say nicely then i will apologise to you loh. not as if i will leave my rubbish there. ><"!
Labels: 6th jan 2009
.Saturday, January 17, 2009 ' 11:59 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omgggggggggggggggg. i never blog about alot of things loh ! shall slowly recall and blog slowly. hahahs!actually i typed some out last week. but just save as draft only. i better update now loh. cos cny season surely got somemore can update de! hahahs. i think i will break them up into diff post. easier~
05th jan 2009 (duh. so overdue liao. hahahs! )
so meet up with darling first @ yishun if im not wrong. oya ! then i keep sms her saying that im super scared. cos sch reopens already. everywhere is student. dont know why. got this phobia for it. ><"! then we lunched at xin wang(yes,again!=D) but this time round we shared our foods. then off we go to bugis~ went there to find my cny clothes. but i walked around till, there`s nth much that caught my eye. but in the end. i bought a jumper top, long sleeve+vest. hahahs. and it`s super cheap lah. to me lah. hahahs. then we went shop ard at bugis too. after that we went far east first. chrise meet us there later. so both of us went around too. bought the XXL crispy chicken to share. during my Q, got two staffs from other shop super high. running here and there. ended up i blocked their way. one of them almost bang me. super paiseh. also dont know whether i shall move anot. hahahs! then after tat chrise come le. we shop shop ard. buy some stuffs. oya! im quite sure that you all know there`s a accessories shop call "he or she" or what one. that particular day. im super pissed off with the lady boss i think. cos someone stole her rings. and she was like cursing and swearing the girls whove done so. and suay suay. we are looking at the ring sections. then she and her staffs keep "guard" there loh. then keep stock checking for their rings. what liao. and worst still is she blamed all the faults to the girl`s teacher. saying "有怎样的老师就有怎样的学生" dots. why blame teachers? ><"!
then we went to chill at MAC@LP. chrise bought her d-cam too. we keep take photos. super funny. and darling bought a super cute cap named "ah dai. " hahahhas! and chrise keep snapping some *censored photos. hahahas! shall upload the pictures later. hahhas!
here`s the photo. (updated on 10th feb. =x)
darling and me.

left: my beloved camera design ring. but gone liao. T_T. super sad de loh
right: ah dai and ah toot.

we trying to pose the same as the right pic one. i rmb is chrise baobei de "birthday celebration". at the -i still dont know how to spell- cake shop. laughs.

then we trained home. keep playing that "invisible pole" thing. hahhas. so funny~
eww. i so miss you two now. outing soooon !
oya! i saw "jay chou" that few weeks ago ! hahahahs! he really look like jay chou. just that this jay chou is smaller in size. and the way he speaks is really very jay chou style. very few words one. and when he appear at our counter. alot of youngster(girls) went crazy. hahahas. this jay chou fake one de lah! though he really look alike. hahhas. but he never "*clap clap*aiyo.*clap clap* aiyo" lei. hahahahs! told darling on train. she got abit pissed off. " REAL JAY CHOU ALSO NV KEEP AIYO AIYO LAH! " hahahahhas! funny~
love my laopossssssssssssssssssss!
Labels: 05th jan 2009
.Friday, January 09, 2009 ' 11:30 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
just watch finished 14岁的妈妈.