.Wednesday, December 31, 2008 ' 12:48 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
gosh! im sick !
temp keep going up and down.
flu, blocked nose.
and most imptly, my stomach acting up again !
eww. x((
.Saturday, December 27, 2008 ' 9:46 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i think i need to update already. im forgetting what happened this few days. ><"! and i think it wont be in order. hahhaahs!
or. before xmas. we worked like siao. counters like chaos. somemore got extension hours. normally knock off at 10pm. then extend till 10.30pm. but we always get to change our clothes at ard 11pm+. gosh. damn tired. somemore when sometime work with jj, she need to punch at 10.30+ instead of the real knocking off time. wasted. if not OT money alot leh!
oyeah. got my year end bonus not long. one happy girl. (((:
and i finally found my mp3 which is like buried under piles of things. lmao. i need it now! cos got alot of new ablums released. my phone gonna burst liao. but now then i realise that my ear piece not functioning well. ><"!!
oya! watched tang xin feng bao this few days. nice! once i watch i will watch for hours loh. hahahas!
okay. so tues,, which is.. 23th. went office with maria. but we already finished most of the things before our lunch. ( somemore we went for early break ) then we slowly pick stocks and do pricing. lmao. we even went up level 4 and slack there. lmao!
then after tat. i went back orchard first. maria need go other places. once i reached orchard, siu li called and say she and mee wah knocked off liao. so went to meet them. then shopped awhile. and at first all say this year dont want exchange xmas gift de. but slowly got ppl give. then we go wastons buy chocos for all loh. too sudden liao. lmao.
then we went orchard mrt station there slack. sit at the staircase there. siu li went newton meet her bf first. then me and mee wah slack there. then we start talking about singing thing. then i let her listen one of my recordings then she say she want. ><'! she`s a big fan of mine lah. LMAO! kidding nia. then i send her. then maria and her bf/husband came then we went newton meet siu li. wanted to pursuade siu li bf go de. end up we drop down, he get in the train. ><"! then we went there newton circus first. omg! i din know singapore got such place loh. hahahas! not fit to be singaporean sia. hahahahs!

then we start ordering things. makan. then the late shift ppl came. then start eating. then take pic and so. hhahahs. so fun and funny.

then took taxi with siu li and chet ying back home.
next day, 24th, xmas eve.
wake up jiu use com liao. laopos say meet at my hse mah. so i slowly do my things loh. who knows i wan go bath that time, darling say she at my hse downstairs liao. ><"! then she keep nag about me and baobei. hahhahas!
then finally im done. packed chrise and her friend things and set off to her hse. then we went xin wang(again) for lunch. omg! nice! even ask about the membership thing. lmao. then we went walk ard. then go find darling de family. baby so cute. hahahas!
then went to watch twilight. front part is boring lah. cos introduction of the story mah. behind then nice. hahahs. and really got underwear scene! lmao! i keep telling others. hahahhas! but the best part is. NO SUBTITLES! omg. abit diff to understand. heng i got read the book. hahhas. their language is alil diff from us loh. like tat time i serving a ang mo. i speak and pronouce my sentences perfectly fine. but she dont understand at all ! gosh. hahhas.
25th, merry xmas!
worked morning with siu li.
recieved a gift from kino(maybe not kino lah).
like fcuk sia. i immediatly stand on the chair. lmao. end up siu li go kill it. hahhas.
then we had kfc for lunch. (cos jj gave us kfc vouchers). end up. the drinks got no ice at all. do you know it`s very disgusting to drink pespi without ice?! i saw other`s without ice. and i was thinking" siao, no ice might as well dont drink pespi" and then mine is like tat also. ><"!
knocked off pei siu li go change money. then went back kino. find some travel guides on taiwans. then got two CBD de staffs tell me alot of their taiwan trips. ( one of them is taiwanese lah ) . so nice of them!
gosh. i tot it`s still 8pm plus. oh man!
.Wednesday, December 17, 2008 ' 1:42 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
booos. havent been blogging for now. but right now. im blogging in dark. there`s no light in my room for weeksss already. too poor to pay for bills. NO LAH! hahahs.
nth much to blog about though. now waiting for my downloads to complete. hooked up with the "devil beside you" again. yang cheng lin is soooo pretty there. ewww.
so tired nowadays. christmas coming. everywhere is packed. ><"!
my legs is sooo sourrrr since work end. argh.
.Wednesday, December 03, 2008 ' 11:55 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im one happy girl ! bcos after soooo long. i bought shirt ! no lah. i mean, ive been buying tops/bottoms all from online. sooo long since i buy from shops. weeet~
bought korkor and mine~ somemore mine is like so cheap. wahahahahs. but im going back tml again. cos need exchange size. bought too small for korkor. i think i will buy somemore there. hahhas ! i sooo like the shop. idk why. maybe this time round got alot of tops that i eyed on. hahhas !
i even ask them for their address. but they said they dont have namecard yet. ><"! new shop i guess. ahahahs.
and jj is like sooooooo nagging today. keep questioning ppl. scary though.
stomachache~ bbye~
.Tuesday, December 02, 2008 ' 12:23 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. where should i start from?
okay. ive been reading yakuza moon this few days. thanks valerie for the book~ well. the book is nice, no doubt. but very very detail in certain topics. make me so shy to read it in train. hahahs!
and today ! gosh! there`s actually a customer who wants to tips me ! i got worked up. idk why. it`s like i helped her with her things for her money. idk lah. told mummy about it. even acted out. then she said i actually embarrassed her. i think so too. sorry. but i really cant take what ! i already learnt my lesson from the previous incident where i accepted that customer`s gift. (eww. i miss that cust anyway, wondering how`s her eyes.. )
then ive got this male cust keep asking me questions and giving me those " ai mei " look. and indeed.. ><"!
then there`s this auntie who used my invoice as testing paper and give me a super shocking look( her eyes almost drop off) when i told her that there is more dan one color for the pen refills. ><"!
oya. valerie`s turn to do the promotion briefing today. i think she did a great job. she said everything clearly. but i dont know why someone* will pretend to understand and talk back at other`s back. oya ! this soooo proven that she`s two headed snakes. i think her reaction will be sooo diff if the K.C not there loh. but i really din know she was saying about the briefing thing to her staffs lah. if not i think i will pop my head out and let her know that im inside the locker room too. but i think she did it on purpose lah. cos valerie`s locker is like so near to her. such a dumbass. =x
jialat, my temper goes up and down. hahhas !
and after work. valerie showed me the twilight poster outside shaw house ! wooohooooo. thanks~ and twilight is like everycorner of the shopping center which got cinema. WHY TAKA DONT HAVE CINEMA?! if not i will get to see the posters everyday. but at least kino sells their books. wahahahs. gosh. im so into twilight.
bused to bugis cos valerie`s craving for the cheese fries. but today`s not that nice as the first time. eww~ then we went shop around. even went shop for guys` clothes. for my brother actually. saw alot of nice one. but i just keep " not for my brother" , "not my brother type" lmao.
then after that trained home. was approached by a auntie, she asked me to help them take photos. scares me. hahahahs. thought what she want. hahahs !
ive been nagging mummy that i wan go taiwan eversince she came back from china, xiamen. hahahahas.