.Sunday, November 23, 2008 ' 1:57 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
slow down my paces and noticed that, " i cant live without mummmyyyyy ! "
had such a bad morning today. duno why. everytime when mama went overseas, my father will start cleaning hse up. but in a wrong way.
goshhhhhhhh. ended up i need redo everything. like he seperate all our clothes. ( but eventually he messed up with that. he tot my uniform for work is korkor`s. and he even ask korkor " u wear S size ah?! " lmao. ) then he instructed us to keep. but need iron de mah~~ ended up i went to every room and collect back all and iron.
i only manage to iron some only. im super slow in ironing please. plus im watching anime. damn xing ku ! i so scare i might burn a hole on the clothes, cos i need focus on the subtitles mah ! hahahahas !
i super miss mummmmy. i cried when she left for airport. SHHH ! that suppose to be a secret. hahhahahs.
slept at 6am that day. woke up at 11++am to send letters. then sleep again at 4pm++. then 5pm++ korkor called. sleep all the way till 7pm for dinner.
*yawns. im sleepy now. nights~
i missed mummy`s sms. now abit too late to reply her. hahhaas.
did a death survey.
it says i will die on 6/6/2074.
.Friday, November 21, 2008 ' 3:19 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
mummy`s leaving for china in a few hours time.
i will miss her soooooo much !
must tahan until 4.30am, say byebye to her.
1 hour to go~
mummmmmy ~~~ x((
watching anime to pass my time.
vampire knight.
val intro one.
cos it`s about vampire.
and did i mention.?
im super angry!
cos twilight will be showing in msia first dan singapore!
.Tuesday, November 18, 2008 ' 12:04 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
got a small meetups with my laopos.
darling came my hse when she finish her school. then we wait for baobei to come. get prepared and took the same bus with her to yishun.
went to the new extension there. omg. i cant believe that`s yishun. hahahhas ! but still got some shops not yet open. and ive got the urge to open push cart. ><"!
went to xin wang for dinner. yummmmy. im bringing mummy there one day ! and darling say xin wang is 24 hrs one. omggg.
darling`s baked rice, baobei`s curry ramen and my chicken congee. hahahs.
their mango ice.
and our drinks. ((:
then we walked ard yishun and had a small chatting session. (((((:
13th nov 2008, thursday. went out with sis to amk hub after she knock off.
had our lunch at NYNY. her treat. thanks ! (:
( mummy say im sooo fortunate, went hong kong and new york ><"! hahahs! )
and their wings are sooo nice !
bought vcd at only 25bucks! ( original price is over 50 bucks )
omg! hahahs.
and sis bought super lots of things. esp vcds. hahahs !

goshhh. im sooo sad. everyone says i look fat now.
okay lah. im not very slim also ! hahahhas.
.Sunday, November 16, 2008 ' 2:38 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im off today (sunday) and monday ! whahhahas.
so randommmmm. gosh. got this " so random " lines virus from my beloveds. hahahs !
and mei ! i tot u graduated liao?! how come still got exam de?
.Wednesday, November 12, 2008 ' 1:36 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wanted to watch shows one. but i scare i laugh too loud, might wake my cousin up. hahhas !
oya. i soooo miss my (other) cousin, mei ! hahhas. damn long never see you liao ! i think next time is new year le ! but i dont think i can go msia loh.
some of us was discussing about this new year thing. then we found out that out of 8 person, 4 are msians, 1 are malay, 3 are singaporean.
which these 3 singaporeans, 2 ( me and ah gek ) wanted to go msia. valerie, u need? hahhas.
wahhhh. big trouble. and say say say until abit like aruging. ><"! and we decided, PICK LOTS. hahahas. who lucky, get to go msia ! hahhas.
saying about luck, it hink im quite lucky nowdays ! there`s two promotions going on this friday for us. and again, need do briefing. early shift is me and jiejie. and so, the one who lose need to do briefing. tell you ! im really kan chiong at that moment sia ! but ! i win ! so jiejie go do briefing. wahhahas !
and oya. today got one customer. damn ass man. talk so loudly like im sooo far away from him. then i also need talk loudly. maybe cos he old. but the thing he wanted we and supplier run out of stocks le. when i told him that. he keep say "cannt be " THEN WHAT U WANT ME TO DO ~ then he keep roll eyes on me. fcuked man. im alr very patient to you le ! ended up i check other places for him. hahahs.
and becos of him ! he chopped my "tao hua " lmao ! i serving my eye candy at that time one loh ! end up need ask jiejie help me serve him. roars ! lmao ! not really eye candy lah. good looking nia. hahahhas !
i read alot of horoscope books, that says alot of good things on LOVE for leos. after i told siu li this, she keep pointing old uncles or whoever say " this this ! your prince charming " faints ! hahhaas.
oh man. im sick of wearing tees and shorts to work le. how ~
finally im tired ! hahahs. normally i only yawns at 3am. but after some adjustment, tata ! my body clocks slowly back to normal ! =DD
looking forward to thursday date with cousin ! wahahhas ! going amk !
.Monday, November 10, 2008 ' 12:45 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i know. it`s rotting ! hahhas.
okay. i rebonded my hair. (again). hahhas ! and i spent more dan 5 hrs there. which that 1 hr is waiting period. ><"! but cheap kays. $80 with free treatment. at least my hair is smooth now. i dont know for the future though. hahhaas ! but my hair is simply FLAT now. hahhas !
okay. let me think..
mee wah was on mood-swing mode ytd. freak me alil. but glad that she`s back to normal. hahhas.
valerie sang me the malay version of rong shu xia. hahhas ! i cant stop laughing whenever i think of it. i tried to sing to my mom. but she catch no "tree" hahahhas !
this month, my shift tallys with siu li at least 16 days. can you imagine. this month working days only 22. hahahhas !
went amk s-11 makan the fish and chips. superb nice ! now im very hungry ! hahhas. owell. velcom is no longer there. moved? shifted? or collasped? ahhahas. who cares.
saw twilight movie poster at the jubilee windows there. TWILIGHT ! darling. u promised me one ah !
and i miss my laopossss.
okay. i wan take pic. cos i suddenly feel that i dont have any photo ablums. ><"! hahahhas !