.Tuesday, July 29, 2008 ' 1:44 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
yawns ! oyeah ! although sis now living with me, but i din get to see her till just now. (she wake up for "toliet break" ) ahhahas ! cos she go work. i sleeping. i come back from work, she sleeping. laughs. diff timing.
oya ! saw mr chia a few days agooo. omgggg. im super happy okay. turn my head and saw somemore sooo familiar. omggg ! hahhas. but im working lah. cant talk too much. i shall go find u next time mr chia ! xDD
okay. im tired. bbbye !
.Sunday, July 27, 2008 ' 1:04 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
watched the new show, 黑糖群侠传. a new show after the brown sugar machiatto.? alamak. dont know how to spell.
although a bit fake lah. but i think i will still support.
and i laugh till peng just now. cos got the “小聋女”( xiao man) then she keep " huh? what u say? " " can u speak louder? " hahahahhas. bth. told kor about this scene. he laughed at me. " isnt it a old joke? " LMAO~! i still think it`s funnnny.
working OT tml. omgg !
oh yeah ! ying2, wan ning and shiwei just now came my hse to collect their things. omg. they went off with big bagsss. hahhahas. esp ying2. cos she helping all her friends to collect first. hahahas. and now. finally, i can throw that big carton already. hahhaas.
tiredd ! and hungry ! x((
.Saturday, July 26, 2008 ' 11:53 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
gosh. aug coming. darling birthday coming. what to get for her?! *faints. sometimes i hate birthdays cos i hate to think of what to get for the birthday girl/guy.
the weather sucks ! hahhaas. cos im getting sick liao. oh no please. i just got suan-ed not long for getting MC. i am not very happy about that. like you never mc before. but i hope she will MC. so that she wont spreaddddd. hahahs. just alil angry ! [:
last few days ive got parcel. all bags. parcels in carton man ! sia lah. first time sia. i tot what. i din know will reach that fast ! hahhas. and mama freaked the postman out. cos just a second ( really a second) after he press the doorbell, mummy opens the door. machim ghost movie lah. suddenly very fast open the door. and the postman xia dao till he miss the steps and fall. hahahas. ! super funny. and he keep patting his chest while im signing for the parcel. hahahhahas !
i saw videos recently on the "fang zhong hua" ? i forgot his name. the founder of the music story lah. i saw him ( in the video ) teaching students to sing. omg. he got alot of actions. but it makes me wanna join his classes ! omggg. i better dont think about it anymore. hahhaas.
.Wednesday, July 23, 2008 ' 12:02 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg. super not used. everyone sleep early nowadays. sis need sleep early cos she need to reach sch at 7.30am. kor too. mummy need to wake up early to be the alarm clock. hahhaas. now everyone is sleeping liao. except me typing. and mama playing my ds. hahahs !
oya ! i serve "715" today. the 881 male lead. qi yi wu. ahhahahas ! i served him for long man. almost an hr. not kan chiong serving him till i need to help him gift wrap. omg. when helping him wrap damn kan chiong ! later i wrap until not nice that he go tell those mediacorp de ppl/ then spread and spread. hahahhahahahas ! think too much. okay lah. he look very normal. hahhas.
and i bought the M&M cookies online. can anyone tell me if there`s any selling at any local store? cos so far i din saw any. although 3pkts for $7 ( it only contain 8cookies each pkt) but then it`s super nice ! yummy.
okay. i think im falling SICK. ewwwwww.
.Tuesday, July 22, 2008 ' 10:07 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wooo. im long ago awake. hahhhas !
im getting alittle sian in work ever since there`s this " no chit chatting allow during work hours " like fcuked. u mean i cant talk at all during that 7 hrs? no fun at all. diaos.
weather is super cold nowadays. x( im soon sick. a few already sick liao. hhhaas.
later on meeting the seller to get my stuffs. XDDDD
and bad mei ! she might be going JB this friday. BUT SHE DONT HAVE PASSPORT ! roarrs ! smack u ! ahhahas.
.Thursday, July 17, 2008 ' 12:03 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
sis moving in my hse, living with me for the next few mths. wooohoo.
and she got into woodlands sec. hmm.
im hungry~ =[
blog again next time~
.Monday, July 14, 2008 ' 2:40 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
party worlded with darling today at yishun safra.
soo. we meet up at yishun. then went interchange. i rmb need to take bus 812. but i cant rmb which 812. then i said " ah ! i rmb le. not the behind one. cos behind one go to my hse ! " but that`s bus 811. not 812. 812 need to take the behind one. roars.
anyway. we board the wrong bus. we tapped card and sit down. then there`s this family asking the driver " this bus can go yishun ave 4 anot? " i din heard the driver`s answer. but then. they drop off. then i rmbed. hahhahahas ! but we already tapped card ! so who cares. continue lah. fan zhen will go one round. who knows ! the bus is 812E. will end at yishun interchange. wont continue. faints !
so we`ve been touring ard by bus. ><"!! then finally. took the right one. hahahahs ! reach there. need book. roarrs. fastest at 6.15pm. still got at least 3 hrs tooo goo. then we took bus again to yishun and trained to cwp.
then. darling wanted to buy those ear piece sponges thing. go cwp. cant find anyone she wants. roarrs. wasted trip again. then we slack ard. went back yishun slack also. settled at mac for some bitess. then went safra again. finally ~~
sing till 10.30pm. then bused back to yishun. da bao and go home.
oh gosh. i ate too many fried things today. feeling hot now. arghhh~
last but not least ~
.Monday, July 07, 2008 ' 2:28 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omgggg. i cant believe i actually spend my off day playing the sims 2. omgggg !
feel damn sleepy and hungry now ! had a early dinner today. yummmy. super yummy.
kor going reservice tml. his bag is suppper heavy. i think it`s almost my weight. poor NS men. hahhaas.
though i dont like jam xiao jing teng. but im in love with one of his songs recently. hahahhahas !
oya. the day before. was on my way to mrt station. then it started to rain. even though i walk under the shelter. i got myself drenched still. cos the wind is freaking strong. i got half of my body wet ! hahahhas.
gosh gosh gosh. im super sleepy. bye !
.Sunday, July 06, 2008 ' 2:18 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
the 1560th posts. wowww.
okay. i made a joke today. nowadays i really cannt tahan people keep scanning me. somemore today is a indian guy. okay. im not trying to be racist. but his face really iriates me. and he was turn and looking at me while we were walking down the stairs. i cannt tahan already. so i shouted " 看屁啦 " to him. but then. he`s an indian ! and i shouted chinese words to him. hahahahahhas ! i wanted to laugh so much that i faster walk away. lame sia. but i really cannt tahan him. give me such an disgusting smiling prevert face. pukes.
i really cannt tahan ppl scanning me cos i have a very big LAN TAO HUA. i wan a good one ~! not a bad one please.
eversince the guy followed me and i shouted "mummy " one. there`s this one gang of guys. ><"!! imagine u are still in a sleepy mood and when the lift doors open at your level, there`s this bunch of guys sitting on the floor and looking at u. okay. 6 of them. 6 pairs of eyes. ( exclude those wearing specs lah. hahahas ! ). this totally freak me out. cos my level dont have much teenager one mah. heck care them and walk to my hse. and then they approach me. dots. is not like as if im a pretty babe or what.
but the main thing is. THEY FREAKING ACTUALLY KNOWS WHERE I LIVES LAH. fcuked. and becos this happen for daysssss. so it did affects my mood. roars. but i think they stop coming already. (((:
a bad bad mood during work. COS TOO MANY CUSTS LE LAH ! hahahas. walk also diff. need keep say " sorry, excuse me " hahahhas. and custs are always cust. typical type. when u clearing things there. the crowd will follow u too. roarrrs.
and oya ! accident almost happen just now ! cos jie yin was opening the show case for cust. and suddenly there`s noises. when to take a look and found out that the glass panel actually drop down ! heng nv drop on anyone. or i should say heng no one is injured. hahhahas. but got one couple very funny. cos they kpo want know what happen. and the gf said " faster seee lei. u taller " bf went " cannt see lei. people blocked me " hahahahhahas ! then i was like. excuses me, u are blocking my way there. hahahahhahahas ! just kidding !
and oya. we made loossssesssss. cos we followed taka lv3 price calculation. who knows is wrong ! omg. cant blame anyone. cos it`s our fault not to check properly. but this shows that the taka lv3 ppl also dont know how to do calculations. hahahahhas !
at first duno how to write msg to jj telling her this. then i was like. hope she faster scold faster go. but becos of the glass panel thing. we suggested that we call her also. cos we`ve got other things to ask her. she nv scold lah. but then sikali she accumulate everything and say once she got back from japan.
oya ! did i mention. she`s going on japan "biz" trip. so shiok ! but everytime she went on holiday or what. things happened ! omgggg.
and finally, im offfffff. i need my beauty sleeeeep.
oya. that day darling and me went over to baobei hse. super happy at the end of the day cos IM FINALLY NOT BEING BULLIED BY THEM ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHS ! kidding kidding. keep blaming baobei that we are not the FIRST ! to know. but you know we are just kidding one ! right? heees. and i seriously love to act infront of them. thoses tones and actions. hahahahs !
omggggg. whenever i thinks abt the dance thing during kbox. i went shy shy. hahahahhas ! mee wah love to say " the M leg " LMAO ! super kua zhang. and heng nv take videos. if not i will commmit suicide. hahahhas !
oya. saying about mee wah. she`s a " 容易受伤的女人". cos she had cuts all over her. and her kan chiong character causes this. we always need to shout her to calm her down. hahahhas.
i had a few small cuts on my hands too. also dont know where all these cuts came from. hahhaahhas !
when i look through all these ive typed, i notice that ive typed many wrong words. everytime i type until everything. i think that`s becos im sleepy. hahahahs ! nights alllll ! ((((((((((((((:
.Friday, July 04, 2008 ' 12:04 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg. sooo i reached home at ard 3am ytd ! record break !
worked late shift. got alot of stocks. hahha. actually okay. but i need shift file. hahhaas.
then suddenly ah gek say she dont want go liao. i still tot is kidding de. then end up val say ah gek dont go she also dun want go. ><"!! diaos. at that time quite pissed off. hahahas. soemmore mee wah they all already stay and wait for us liao loh. but thinking, im not the main lead. no point being angry. hahhaas. so i told mee wah. if they dont go. we ownself go. hahahhas. end up also got go lah.
so night time. after changing. went cine. mee wah they all waiting at lv 4. cos when i call kbox and book the room. she say at lv 4. but then when mee wah ask them. they say at lv 8. so i reach le go ask. then is at lv 8.><"! okay. so we went there.
kbox is soooo sweet. they knew we got cake. then they even provide tissue, plates, and fork. sooo nice right? at first even got ask wan help us frozen the cake anot. omgggg.
then we sing birthday song first. cos wailing need go liao. she only come in for 5 mins. hahahs.
then sing le eat cake. then start to sing. then play games.
hahash. we four, GZWX start playing the games we planned. hahahhas. me pair with val. ah gek with mee wah. no win no lose. jhhahahas !
then start playing alot of gaems. got one is the zhen xin hua da mao xian. omggg. damn scary. cos previous got one dare is ask mee wah and cecelia say " ilu" to a guy. lmao. then val really ask a guy staff there to stop and hear what they going say. the guy also abit ke lian lah. he machim very wei qu. hahhahas !
then end up i lose. need pick lots. but val and gek go take out the zhen xin hua. ><"!!! all is da mao xian. lmao. end up is "sexy moves" must dance sexy sexy. ><"!! then on jolin`s LET~S MOVE IT. and i really dance. OMG ! damn pai seh. but okay for me lah. bi jing im once a dancer mah. hahhahas ! but so shy. i think im very fang de kai at that tiem. hahhahahas ! shyyy.
then our package is until 2.30am. if no ppl wan use the room. cos extend till 6am ! but then we nv. hahhas. cos siu li work early today. i wonder how she going to tahan. hahahas.
then after tat. took pictures. then cabbed home.
play until i headache sia. cos you all should know. i laugh until very kua zhang one. abit lack of oxygen. hahahhahas !

the birthday cake ! super niceeeee. oyishiiiii.

the birthday girl ! valerie !

our xi nu ai le.

all except gek, the photographer.

im crazyyyyyy. lai. come come. lkg for $10. hahahahhahas !

cecelia ! but she tranferred to BJ le.

aarooonnnnnn. but how come i machim nv look into the camera. hahahhahas !

.Wednesday, July 02, 2008 ' 9:14 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im looking foward to tml !
kbox-ing cum advance birthday celebration for val ! till midnight. omgggg. i found out that. all my midnight event is with them. hahahahhas!
super tired ! roarrrrs.
.Tuesday, July 01, 2008 ' 10:57 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im angry ! super angry ! stop all the actions now ! NOW !!