.Tuesday, July 31, 2007 ' 11:20 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i wanna cry ! so i shall go watch huan huan ai now !
what i can say is that life is never perfect. i may get a nds for my birthday. but i lose my fone. i may get off to go KL. but im going to work on public holiday. i may earn alil. but i spent alot. life is sooooo unfair? but without this unfair. who`s going to cherish their life? (:
working early tml! weets ! and going off to msia on thurs early morning. and off i go to KL. weets ! hope we wun get robbed or what lah. JB now is sooooooo scary okay.
oya. i forgot to mention. me and a supplier "lang ga" ytd. bang onto each other. head knock head. LMAO ! i almost faint ! and the customer im serving said " it must be real pain " INDEED. hahhahas. and he`s banging onto me in high speed lah. LMAO.
eww. i feel much better. hahhas !
. ' 1:05 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im bored lah ! reach home jiu keep count orders. ><"!
work was okays today. just tt im alil still not used to the new cabinet. hahahas. ya. two more glass panels to clean. hahahhas !
and my supervisor better produce out a nice shedule lah. she spends her day inside office and plan. dun tell me cannt plan sth nice out ! roars !
i do think that human beings have many faces. when u are facing diff type of ppl. u will show diff attitude. diff u. isnt it? ha.
oya. someone actually bought my copic markers. a set which cost more dan hundred at least. i think he spent ard 400+. lmaos.
i saw someone playing diner dash in NDS today ! argh ! i wan i wan ! fast fast ~ lmao.
and can someone like remind me to take pic? LMAO.
gosh. 23 orders more in. good thing or bad thing? lmao. more stuffs for me to do le. but earn more. LMAO ! (:
i dun like this kind of feelings.. dun ask me what. cos i just said this randomly..
.Sunday, July 29, 2007 ' 11:04 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
woohoo. i wanted to blog just now. but cant. ><"! problem logging in. duno why. hahhas.
yup. i`ve got my sim card back. can sms me le ! but i dun have all the contacts. ><"! so sms me with ur number and of cos tell me who u are okay?! hahahsa. and use my old phone first. suppose is use N6280 again after it`s being repaired. but jiu mu might wan it back. it`s okay with me lah. got phobia liao loh. lost fone so many times. x(( but im not used without camera. ><"!! sad sad !
nvm. if i cant use the 6280. then i shall save money and buy fone. (((: aiming for cybershot ! weets ! but not so soon. hahahhas!
went work. early shift. nth much to do. spend my morning doing the naming of the globe. paste it. wrap it. ahahas.
me and wailing got secret ! hahhaas. shhh ! say is secret le. cannt say. lmao !
went lunch. before that. went to the customer service counter to ask abt my fone. sikali got my fone. but the percentage is low dao ~~ lols. then she ask me go lv two de. then go. end up we walk the opp direction. ><"! walk one big round. hahhahas. then fill up the form there. just in case lah. maybe he or she is gulity. hahhahas. think too much okays.
after work went kino again. hahhas. i love to shop kino ! i duno why. and finally i found the book i wanted sooo much ! same price as harris one ! somemore i`ll get discount in kino after i get my staff card ! oya ! i haben go take passport size photo yet. ><"! i wan fast fast get ! so i can fast fast buy ! hees.
then wanted to buy donuts for mummy and korkor de. though i dun dare to eat. but they like mah. somemore like very nice like tat. and wan to sayang mummy mah. ytd throw temper at her cos of my phone. ahhahas. but ! end up i forgot. ><"! went there. saw the Q very long. then say go walk ard first. then end up i walk walk walk and go buy my tee and went home ><"!!! dui bu qi lah ~ next time buy again. although tml onwards more exp le. hahahhas !
then walk to somerset buy the tee i wanted sooo much. it`s the last piece instocks. weets ! hahhahas.
then went home.
then mummy chat chat chat on fone till she forgot abt us. waiting for her to go downstair makan. coffeeshop de zhu chao closing cos change boss. x(( so sad ! then they give us more. hahahas ! big big fish ! big big prawns. hees. oya. my beloved junior shanjie`s there too. she packeting for her family i think. ((:
and i keep pester mummy. cos im toohungry. ahahhas ! mummy say she`s going to be like superwoman. cos she duno join what member. now like those salesperson lah. then i say i saw a parker pen. dman nice okays! nice stocks ! expand one. soooo chio loh ! then i say i cannt use. jiu buy for mama if she really became nv qiang ren. then she ask price. i say 60++ she say bu yao. hahahhaas. then we duno talk abt what. she ask i forgot what word de spelling. then i say " ah ! i know le. i buy electronic dictionary for u ! " then she nv say anything. cos she smsing. then korkor suddenly say " mama wan money " then she nod firecely. LMAO !
then my hse downstair de 7-11 got ice-cream fair mah. today last day i think. then i say i wan go buy some and eat. end up i bought a ice cream which is not included in the ice cream fair. and mummy bought 10 potongs ice creams. ><"!! buy five get five free mah. and five cost 3.50 somemore. cheap ar? hahahas.
oya ! today come back home. im really frighten ! damn scary ! this few days im going to faint easily. everyday got sth to scare me. ><"! i was listening to mp3 mah. then my floor there got one indian de family. they got a son. veyr young. two yr old i think. know how to speak simple eng one lah. then i walk. then can feel those stomping footsteps mah. then i turn alil. i dun c anyone. so i tot maybe construction or what loh. then again lei ! then i dun believe. i look again. TMD ! the indian boy following me. he`s hiding behind me lei ! tmd ! xia si wo. i almost fall ! then i say " where`s ur mama? " he laughed. run back to his hse. then i was like. diaos ~ then i open door and i saw him running towards my hse. i quickly close and say " byebye" LMAO ! but he really scare the hell damn outta me ! imagine if it happen during 7th mth lah. i wun be here typing le lah. must be somewhere in the hosptial. ><"!!! choy !
finally working late shift. i miss late shift lah ! hahhahas.
. ' 12:09 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im now sooo awake. cos just now the two stray cats at my hse downstair fighting. then they charge towards me and mama. but they is fighting each other lah. i backface them. duno they behind me also. then they suddenly run over. mama tot they going to attack me. then she scream. then i scream. then those two cats screamed with their meows too. ><"! scare the hell outta me.
just came back from police station. make police report. at first is mama help me go make report. cos she outside. then end up come back home dan saw they type wrong model. they type 6234. ><"! then need to go down again. then i go along loh. end up only get a chop and a signature. ><"!!
and i love the movie showing now in the tv. got sooo many big stars. so lame and funny. hahhaas.
told mummy abt clement`s thing. the other side tat i havent tell anyone. maybe i got tell my laopos lah. but i noe i got tell xiang mama today. hahhas. mummy was soo shocked. and she said " wo de nv er zhang da le lah. zhi dao zhe me pan duan ren le.. " hahhas. (:
.Saturday, July 28, 2007 ' 7:40 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
fucking hell man. i lost my fone. no ! is my fone kana stolen. from my bag ! fcuked. im wrong to be that careless but tat person is go and take from my bag lei. fucked man. although i`ll got fone to use. 6280 also. but all my data all gone ! tat`s what i really heartache of ! fcuk lah.
and i got scolded by mummy in the middle of the PS. come on lah. im alr in bad mood and u scold me infront of all people walking pass. and ur friend is there somemore. give some face to me can anot? like i really wan someone to steal my fone.
but the heng thing is that i meet someone before my fone got lost. if not how am i going to contact her. like i got rmb her number. but heng lah. and that incident happen immediatly after i meet her. i was wondering whether is it her. but noono. i cant accuse ppl. if she`s the one. she wun continue to Q up for the donuts which is nearby me. if she`s gulity. she will run away str. but what if she`s used to it? nono. i cant think tat way. that`s bad of me.
today meet up with xiang mama. suppose to be happy happy day ! but that spoiler spoilts my day ! argh. nvm. catch up quite alot from xiang. got to know more abt her current life. hees. (:
oya. went to the toy fair. and i really saw my colleugues there. lmao.
alright. im so emotional now ! whenever i think of my phone i wan cry alr ! but suan le. i shall be more careful next time. it`s not the first time i lost my fone alr. x(
oya. going to use the same numbers. will go get my sim card tml i guess.
.Friday, July 27, 2007 ' 8:21 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im back ! went to meet 3 persons to collect money at three diff time. hahhas !
wasnt in good mood today ! duno why lah. but sth brighten my days ! cos im saying " darling birthday coming le. " then saw mei de friendster " mei de birthday also coming le " and i actually forgot abt my own birthday ! then mummy say " u wan hint what? " i really still gong gong lei ! then i suddenly rmb. ohh ! my birthday coming too !
then after a while. i say " mummy. i dun mind u buy me a nds one lei " LMAO ! then mummy say " i know lah. u think i duno what u thinking meh.? haben discuss with ur korkor only " LMAO ! song ! (((((:
oya ! ytd the lady who was caught shop lifting in kino came again ! somemore last time she steal alot of books loh ! i think stationary included lah. then she come again ! i so kan chiong k ! i duno why. hahhahas. then only got supervisor and me loh. then i keep look an eye on her. then when i bu zhu yi. she went missing. she got our things with her loh. then told supervisor. she go find her. then she finally found her. she`s paying for books. not stationary. but duno if she got put those stationary away anot. then she continue look an eye on her. when got customers ask her things. she went missing again. supervisor told me that she is put certain things at some place. when she pay for other things. she go back there and put into her bag. maybe she take out the barcode or what lah. duno how she did it. but damn jian lah ! roars !
i will miss darling`s birthday ! she like screaming lah. hahhas. but i`ll get to find mei ! i long nv go le ! dui bu qi darling ! she wun be able to see also. she`s in camp now. hahhas.
oya ! ytd we are crazy lah. cos we were talking then say until baobei. (PS: nv say ur bad things ! hahahas. (: ) then darling say. " 他现在一定是打喷嚏打到很凶" then i act as if im am firece. i sneeze. hahahhahas ! duno how to say lah ! hahhahahhas ! damn funny. laughing very loudly in the middle of ntuc xtra. hahahhas !
. ' 1:22 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
just watched esp 8 of why why love. crying like hell now lah.
the behind is the preview of the next esp. damn sad ! cant imagine what if it happens to me and my laopos man ! x((((((((((((((((( but i guess it wun happen also ! hahhas.
i wan watch esp 9 !!
.Thursday, July 26, 2007 ' 11:23 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥




THE BAG ! (((((:
there`s somemore lah. but lazy take pic. somemore my memory card giving me problems ! roars ! shall reformat my memory card ONE DAY. hahahhas !
today im not working ! not as in nv go work. but go work without working ! i go there to be reception lah. ><"! i mean. i keep ans calls. and so on. sooo many calls made too. hahahs !
and a customers made me order 85 mesh case for her and she actually dun wna it ! roars !
meet up with darling just now. she need things for her camp tml. end up me bought quite alot too. treated her pepper lunch. hahhas. baobei. when`s ur turn to be treated by me? must be fair and square. hahhahas !
xiang mama dated me ! on sat. weets. (((:
alright. i need to go do some printing for my work. hahhas. (:
.Wednesday, July 25, 2007 ' 7:57 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i wanted to update blog. but im sooooo busy !
got alot of things to do ! tatas !
and i really love that bag ! weets ! (((:
and congrats me ! im being confirmed ! congrats to mee wah too !
congrats to wai ling to be promoted as senior staff two.
congrats to mee wah sis to be promoted to sales excutive. i think. hahhas !
happy happy ! (((:
i wanna watch alot of movie !
the the the. nan er ben se.
rush hour three.
bu neng shuo de mi mi.
alot alot !
i wan read the following books !
my three husbands.
harry potter bk two to seven.
alright. i shall stop now. hahahhahahhas !
and congrats that all my orders meet up to it`s min order ! weets ! no need headache ! weets ! (((:
happy happy !!! smiling smiling ! ((:
.Tuesday, July 24, 2007 ' 9:04 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
mummy`s back ! she bought lots of things. and she spent alot ! hahhas. nvm. kai xin jiu hao. (((:
she bought me wallets. tops. skirt.watch.shoes.bags. a monokuro flashing clock
and among all these. the shoes, bag and tops can be share ! me and mummy ! how great ! hahhas !
she bought me a high quality fake LV watch. it`s fake. but high quality i must say. hahhas ! quite exp also lah. but i dun mean fake one. cos it`s nice ! pink in color ! the bg that LV logo will move ! weets ! ((((: somemore i always prefer fake one dan real one. best example : PUMA. i always prefer fake puma bag dan the real brand. i duno why. the fake one look nicer. ahhahas ! im werido !
and i love that bag ! it`s both sling and shoulder bag ! woohoo ! i love it i love it ! and i keep chao. say it`s not for mummy use. should be totally mine ! hahhahas !
and mummy bought me tops and skirt that i`ve never wear this kind before ! but nvm. it`s time for me to change le ! hahhas.
and the monokuro boo de clock de light will change de ! singapore got sell lah. but hk cheaper. hahhahas !
and those shoes actually is mummy de. but i can wear mah ! so it`s mine also ! hahhahas.
alright. enough ! im soooo jealous ! x(( if i go also. i`ll have bought back much much things ! hahhas.
and ya. i`ve got my leave le. shall call darling tml and apologise ! x(( hahhas. sorry darling ! and i`ve got my pay too. but since im going KL. not going to buy NDS for the time being le. cos mummy broke le ! hahhas. my turn to support her. hahhahas ! like i nv support her like that ~
so. went office today. i forgot for office is start work at 10am loh. i reach there at 9.35am. damn tired. cos i tot im late. i rush up. somemore is slope loh. damn diff to walk. and when i reach there. i still apologise " bu hao yi si. got alil late " then annie replied " wun lah. u quite early mah " i still gong gong. then see no one around de ?! then knows that is i too early loh. so pai seh ! still go apologise. hahhas ! but heng i nv dramatic that time. SORRY SORRY ! hahhas. heng ah !
so keep work loh. nth much to say.
then take bus back. i really hate the uncles nowadays lah. argh.
then come back home. mummy said alot about her trips. hahhahas. zhang ah yi came too. cos mummy bought things for her. hahhas.
alright. closing date for my blogshop is today ! need to do all the countings now. tata~
. ' 12:05 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
going office tml ! need to take bus at 0730am. sians ! i dun like long journey bus ! scare i will vomit. hahhahas ! too long nv take long journey bus le.
and yeahyeahyeah ! claps claps claps ! mummy coming back in the afternoon ! weets !
and my supervisor till now haben give me the answer whether i can apply anot. roars !
worked OT today. so sians ! tired ! ahahas.
nth much to say lah. just tat just now went overbridge there makan with korkor. hahhas.
gooo settle my bills le. (((:
.Sunday, July 22, 2007 ' 6:52 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
gosh. damn tired.
cold ! nowadays keep raining. was soooo reluctant to wake up this morning. hahahas. prefect weather to sleep loh ! roars.
argh. im sooo fated with any uncles man. argh. went work by train. from khatib to yck. the uncle scan me without fail man. nv stop at all ! i guess he nv blink at all somemore. qi si wo le ! i diao him then he look back as if nth happen. so thick skin lei ! so tmd de loh. =x buay tahan. even if im blocked by peeps. he still looking for me loh. hen angry de lei ! give ppl look and look as if u stand there is for ppl to look. somemore i diao him he no reaction that`s the most angry part lloh. wun stop de lei ! but i said shen jing bing str to his face when i drop off. im soooo angry that drive me to this point loh. u dare u come out with me lah. i drop at orchard im not scared okay. diaos. argh !
work was busy. cos there`s alot of ppl. one persons machim three liao. hahhaa ! senior test me a series of math qns. cos i always have problem calculating. finally getting better. hahhas ! i return all my knowledge to cher le. hahahas ~
went back home str after work. wanted to summarise up my "biz" but im too tired to do so. fall asleep. eat spot kitchen again. omg. wan broke liao. hahhahas. heng mummy coming back ! ((: two days ! weets !
argh ! keep pop pimples lei ! qi si wo le ! firstly is becos lack of sleep. cos my body clock not adjusted yet. then. keep order delivery. eveytime keep fast food. of cos will pop lah ! argh ! x((( shoo shoo. hahahhas !
orchard mrt station was packed. with ppl topping up money. ><"! cos there`s alot of tourist who wan buy standard card. and they buy one card by one card. ><"!! hhahahas.
duno my request approve anot lei.. x(
okay. go do "biz" le. hahahas !
and i miss my laopos !
.Saturday, July 21, 2007 ' 10:12 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i tot im working Ot tml. but not ! laughs.
harry potter launched today ! and senior sacrifice and work from 6.30 to 9.30am i think. not sure of the timing. but she left at ard almost 11am i think. hahhas ! nth much to do today. kinda slacked. esp when supervisor wasnt ard. hees ! hhahas.
but due to the harry potter book. there`s quite alot of customers. was kinda busy at times. hahhas.
nth much to describe lah. (:
only that i punched my card at 5.30. but i left kino at ard 7+. hahhas ! donated some time out to stay there for nth. hahhas. then changed and went back in. choosing some last time de schedule book loose sheets. damn cute loh. minnie and girl girl one. although sept those dairies coming. i really hate it. cos there`s alot to do but i wan those dairy ! im sure it will be damn cute lah ! hahahhas. crazy !
then went to popular. compare price. lmao. kiasu. but popular cheaper. ><"!
alright. i`ve calculated the things i wanna buy. gosh.
harry potter book 7 : 48.o5 + 10%
harry potter book 2 and 3 : 18.73 + 20%
my three husbands : 10.17
total after rounding : $83.40
nds : $238 ( cheapest i had found)
nds games: $30. +++++
total: $351.40+++++
gosh ! my money ! somemore i need buy clothes from the sprees. x((
i just watched the news. someone actually cried when she got her book. bu hui bah.. i mean. at least u finish reading dan cry ! hahhas. but diff ppl diff lah. ((:
anyway. lady boss. lmao i almost type as lazy boss. hahhasa ! lady boss drop by today. i tot who so ren qing. say good afternoon to us. hahahhas ! im so damn kan chiong ! cos they say she will concern more abt japan things. like my copic ! gosh. kan chiong ! but she din say anything. but.. wai ling she wun tell us str. she will tell annie to tell us. ><"!
. ' 12:37 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
meet up with darling just now. spent our day at np. and mostly in popular. lmao.
lunched at foodcourt. drink at starbucks. shop at np. laughs.
nds or psp ?! argh. im really confused lah !
and my supervisor din reply my msg. i suppose tml no need to go work at 6.30am. roars. hahhas.
harry potter book out tml at 7.01am ! lmao. im going to buy ! weets !
.Thursday, July 19, 2007 ' 8:19 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
now now now. have u guys went over to xiaxue`s blog? lmao. watched the steven lim`s video ytd. almost vomit. hahahs ! esp when he said he`s handsome. gosh ! dun wan say liao. im vomitting ! lmao.
early shift today. kor had such a hard time to wake me up. so do i ! to have my eyes opened ! lmao. slept at almost 3am ! need to do the washing and ironing of clothes ! gosh !
the day before. the first time im using my washing machine. can die ! im sooo worried that i might bleach those clothes and so on ! so maybe the clothes will became torn or whatsoever. lmao. and i got sooooo kan chiong when i saw dark blue water coming out from the pipe or what lah. lmao. but it`s suppose to be normal. LMAO !
work was boring though. im alil tired ! i do/dont hope to get my leave ! roars.
went to orchard popular and harris. im going to buyt he harry potter book 2 and 3 and waiting for the new one ! 21st. worldwide at 7.01am. and i guess we might need to report work at 6.30am. lmao. bless that it`s not going to be me ! laughs. and i saw a book in harris. " my three husbands " lmao. seems so interesting lah. im going to either buy or borrow it in library. hahhas !
and my tongue hurts now. korkor din told me that he just boil the water. and im sooo damn thristy till i drink the whole cup and reliease that it`s hot boiling water. ><"! spilled it out immediatly. laughs. thanks goodness i`ve got waterlife. can just drink the water from there. lmao. wanted to shop more ard ochard area one. but stomachache. ><"! by the time i find the washroom. korkor call and ask me come back home earlier becos the hokkien mee he bought for me going to be dry. lmao. so went home.
humans are sooo werid. there`s alot of empty seats and yet there`s soo many people standing. lmao.
off tml ! (((:
and ! i posted it long ago. but it doesnt appear at all. even after three hrs. ><"!
.Tuesday, July 17, 2007 ' 11:33 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg ! today`s the day !
hahhahas. damn kan chiong lah. kan chiong till i nv do anything. keep talking to wai ling. then she keep say " if u scare de hua. then dun say lah. after briefing we dan go cashier tell them loh.. nvm de mah. " lols. really got the intention to give up loh ! but suan le ! must face it. finally got annoucement " attention all staffs, please proceed to counter C for morning briefing " kan chiong ! heart beat damn fast lah ! then look ! alot of ppl ! somemore almost all kino manager there. esp the one we scare most is the one leading for the breifing loh ! then she asked " any annoucements from any dept " then i was like. signal her say me. then she shocked loh. i also scare she will black face or what. duno lah. cos she nv smile at all de loh. nv c her smile before. exp for today ! she smiled at me and say " yaya. come over " lmao. like very ci xiang. hahhahas ! and i said my tai chi. sooooo scary. so many eyes on ME loh. but success ! (((((:
and today`s slack becos all goods arrived late. cos got nth better to do. so me and wai ling got hold of a carton and wrap it up into nice box then use it as a stand for my copics items. hahhahas ! cheng jiu gan ~ ahhas.
lunced at mac. then went back work.
then start working. then knock off ! tata ! did staff purchase cos i need envelopes. hahhaas ! then went to meet korkor. went amk hub to watch movie. HARRY POTTER ! weets ! nice mah. i like i like ! but i haben read the story yet. ><"!! hahhas. abit cannt understand. but nvm lah. can guess. hahahs. i like the effects i like the graphics. or i shall say. the threater in amk hub is nice ! the seats is damn comfortable ! (((: but i expected more for kissing scene. LMAO !
after the show. went a few shops to look for NDS. cheaper so far is 238. that shop de games is cheap ! half price lei ! hahhas. duno wan buy anot lei. if this mth nt going KL then buy loh. if going jiu drag. hahhas ! i wan wait for the memory card come out. cos now is illegal. lmao. i din know. hahahs !
but duno can go anot lei. cos the date crash with yann ping`s one. duno lei ~~
and mummy bought shirts for us ! weets ! hahahahhahahas !
ohh ! did i mention? someone order 10 clothes from me. 100+ dollar. lmao.
. ' 7:44 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg ! damn fcuking kan chiong now ! hahahas. later going have my "speech" alr ! lmao. kan chiong till i keep pimples le lah. so stress ! as long as dun have that manager can le ! but scary still. ><"!
working OT ytd. damn tired lah. later after work going watch harry potter with korkor at amk hub ! hahhas. xDD then go see NDS things. hahahahhas !
eww ! miss mummy alr ! hahhas. tat day i was kidding with her " mama. wan bring our photos over there mah ~ later ni xiang wo " then she replied " bu yong lah. i got ur photo inside fone mah " lmao ! shy ! taoyan !! (((((:
today morning briefing better end early. dun wan to think abt it soooo tooo long. hahhahas. later i pop more pimples. ><"!
ytd got a customer ~ she damn pretty ! then she asked for engagement greeting cards. but she dun like our design. ask her to go over taka LV 3 and B1 to try. but still no. she came back and look for me for help ! hahhas. so cute ah. then finally she bought sth. hhahas !
ytd break time went SH outlet with wailing. buy old chang kee and eat on our way. hahhahas. both of us alil mi lu. hahhaas ! then i keep say " dun tell others im singaporean lei ! " lmao. reach there she so paiseh. cos got a few alil know ren shi but dun ren shi. hahhahas ! and found out that our outlet is the best ! as in the things arrangement. hahhhas !
and learn alot about copic. i thought we dun carry those items. who knows is no stocks for long. ><"! lmao. heng nv kana scolding, hahahas !
ytd was arranging file. becos yann ping still in her holiday. alamak. later i arrange wrong ~ hahhahas. i like the file alot lei ! but i buy for what. ><"!
i wan buy that orange and black puma pencil case lah ! but also. buy for what. ! lmao. if got this puma bag ! i shall buy ! hahahahhas.
korkor sooo nice ah?! help me go downstair buy breakfaset. hahhahas ! and i guess he will be having hard time waking me up in the coming days. LMAO !
and papa change his hp number again. tmd. got so rich ma?! ><"!
.Monday, July 16, 2007 ' 7:54 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
mummy and er yie goin off later.
and i suddenly rmb. heng they nv watched snakes of the plane before. LMAO ! if not dun think they dare to keep their feets down on floor ah. hahahahs !
im addicted to HP again. ><"! everytime the new movie come out i wan read the book again. LMAO ! nvm lah. not bad things though. but. from book one jumped to book four. ><"! abit werid. hahhs !
hahhas. bon voyage mummy and er yie ! (((: enjoy !
and ! the horoscope says that it`s going to be a busy week for HORSES cos there alot of things for us to do. LMAO ! sometimes i cant help to believe it. becos there`s really alot of things for me to do. wash clothes.. LMAO ! nv wash before lei. i mean wash sooo much lah. nvm lah. wo zhang da le. LMAO !
and it says must get more sleep in the night. if not i cannt withstand the tiredness in me or what de. alamak. dun kidding with me lei. im working early till mummy come back lei. only one day late. and one day off. LMAO. bless bless ! hahhahas !
.Sunday, July 15, 2007 ' 10:05 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im here blogging now !
head spinning now. ><"! just like my monkey. but it spin it`s body. hahahhas !
din went out afterall. nvm abt it.
maybe cant go KL alr. er yie told us a series of the recently cases in JB. rape/murder/rob. all sorts of things lah. scary !
mummy is *^(**&(*&. LMAO. kidding. she just wun let me have my own ATM card and the bank book ! i cant check whether anyone transfer money over anot. all the things in my shopping blog had to be delayed ! (&*Y&*^*&^. im really pissed lah. but i dun wan to argue with her. cos no matter how many times i tried to explain why ppl transfer money over. she just dun understand.
and she just gave me 50 bucks of my own salaries for survival. ><"! i know it`s supposed to be enuff. but u know there`s a thing call emergency~~ what if papa not coming home and we cant contact her. what if korkor used up his money ~ argh.
and i want to watch harry potter and buy harry potter book 2 and 3 lei ! ive told u ~ suan le ! shall wait till she comes back.
hopes she will bring goodies back la ! best is surprised me with a NDS back ! hahhaas. just kidding. (:
oya ! someone lost his/her NDS a few days back in kino. the lost and found counter call in to our counter and ask if anyone found any NDS. i was like. " LET ME FOUND IT! LET ME FOUND IT ! " ahhahahas !
there a whole list of things i wanna buy. argh ! ren !
. ' 12:32 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i`ve got alot to say ! but im lazy ! im tired ! but i cant sleep !
might be going KL ! but duno can take leave anot. zzz
if got go. will be aug head. miss ju`s birthday !
lazy blog ! tatas !
.Friday, July 13, 2007 ' 11:45 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
argh ! im being followed today loh ! later say.
so im working Ot today. and i changed my shift with mee wah. i surely cannt wake up tml lah. early Ot early lei. i not superwoman. lack of sleep till i keep pop pimples le lah ! n today im too tired to dress up so i anyhow wear. all say i look as if im wearing pyjamas. LMAO ! like im wearing the same to sleep. hahhahas !
alright. tat`s this stupid customers wasting my precious time. im alr irraitated by her voice. she china. not trying to be "racist" or what. but of cos there`s some china woman good also lah ! ahahhas.
she: " eh. xiao jie. got this photo ablum refills anot? "
me: " wait ah " *go n find.
she: *keep talking non stop " i wan white de. 3 pieces. i find le cannt find. u help me find lah. i wan 3 hor. whit eone hor. not black one. "
me: ... dun have. out of stock. or u wan take black one instead?
she: dun wan. my ablum is white one. then take black one bu tong yi le.. then how ah?
me: is either u can leave me ur contact number then i`ll call u when the stocks arrives or i can help u check other outlets.
she: so ma fan aR? if other outlets got i must go there take ar?
me: if u dun wan then we will ask them send over. few days later when stocks reach here will call u.
she: nan hao loh. u help me check other outlet.
me: okay.. *walk off to the phone.
she: EH EH ! xiao jie !
me: ya?
she: bu rang u take out three pcs from the ablum and give me lah.
stun !
me: what u mean?.. ><"!!!
she: aiya. i wan three pcs only mah. then u can take out three pcs from the other ablum then when stocks arrive then u put in back again lah.
me: har?! tat means if any customers suay suay buy dao that ablum means he/she bought a ablum with three missing refills lah?
she: aiya. mei you guan xi de mah.
and i was thinking. if mei you guan xi. then why not u dun buy that THREE refills.
me: this i need ask. i cant make decision. *walk off str.
me: yann ping. cannot take out ablum de refills and give customers de hor? even though only three pcs.
yannping: cannt lah.
purposely say loud loud.
me: sorry. cannt.
she: aiyah. zhen shi de. dou mei you guan xi de mah.
me: ..............
yann ping: xiao mei. help her check other outlet.
me: orh.
call and find out that LC got three packets avaliable.
me: LC outlet got three packets available.
she: oh. then i wan.
me: okay. but wait. u wan three pcs or one packet?
she: one packet got how many?
me: five.
she: har? so many ah?
me: standard one.
she: can sell me three pcs only mah?
me: cant. standard one..
she: dan can i mix?
me: as in?
she: i wan three white color. then the rest black color
me: cannt lah. sell in a pack one mah. STANDARD ONE.
she: aiyo. but i only wan three. five is too much.
me: plus i tot u wan ur ablum to be TONG YI ? dan why the two wan change to black color.
she: then can i pay for the things first.
me: need ask my senior staff.
and yann ping went to settle this things.
sibei fucked ! wasted so many of my time ! super wu liao. and yann ping told me after that that she`s not the first time coming here to create troubles le. argh !
okay. fast foward. say the tico peh.
was inside the train. the train wasnt packed one loh. im standing in the middle of the cabin. then the tico peh duno get in from amk or yck liao. then the train wasnt packed ohh ! but he went to stand infront of me. face to face. then he raise his both hands up and hold the bar on top. then he keep moving foward towards me. then i was like. argh. the position is damn er xin le. u still keep move. then i stare at him and move to the side. then he look at me. of cos stare back lah ! then. reach khatib. i purposely wait till the train door abt to close then go. and becos he`s blocking my way mah. then i said excuse me. then he look ard and know tt im the one who said excuse me. then he follow me drop at khatib too ! werid loh. i purposely drop late cos i wan test him. cant be he also wan test me rite. argh.
then he keep follow me. then i take mirror out to pretend zhao jing zhi. then he knows im actually looking at him. then he smile into the mirror. argh ! feel like throwing the mirror at him. then he keep follow. i walk slowly he also walk slowly. fine ! and when im abt to call mummy alr. then at 7-11 there. got police there questioning ppl. then i turn and look at him. he looking at the police. then he turn and hurry away. werid right ! argh ! fcuked !
now korkor need to pick me up from mrt station le lah ! irriating tico peh !
and somemore ! im wearing sth that ppl say look like pyjamas. cant be i "Attract" dao him hor ~ ><"!!!
and after i bi li pa lah say all these to mummy plus action that time. she after a few mins later ask me " that guy sure is old one loh " then i was like. OF COS LAH ! argh. then she say " no wonder" LMAO ! mummy so bad !
alright ! today`s friday the 13th. indeed suay for me !
this entry full of angry thigns !
share some funny things dan ! but this joke is kinda old le. just now my friends send over to me in friendster. so.. hahhas ! funny lah !
Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!
Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller : I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent. Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.
Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator : I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).
Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!
laughs !
and i think my mp3 spoilts ! x(((
.Thursday, July 12, 2007 ' 11:56 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg ! i cried during work today ! damn paiseh ! but everything`s fine now ! ((: shall not elaborate dan. ((:
tml`s working OT. but im not going to sleep early today ! cos today`s yu le is LIVE ! ahhahas.
3 more mins to the end of 12th ! lmao.
went to help customer to get her pen engraved. nic enice ! gold colour engraving lei ! make me wan buy pen and engraved also ! woohoo ! somemore the pen only 15. hahhahas !
17th`s coming ! omg ~ monday mummy flying ! ewws ! asked her to help me check out about NDS. then she said " what if buy le got prob lei? " eh ! ya hor ! hahhahas.
i dun wan work so much OT lah. the higher my salary, the higher % to my CPF. the lesser i can use for now. the more i can enjoy later in my years. LMAO !
shall go see what to buy ! hahhaas. online shopping ! (((:
. ' 12:16 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
eww. im getting alil emo nowadays. x(( nvm ! it`s normal for human beings to be emo. ><"!
tml working early shift tml. gosh. cant have enuff sleep this few days ! keep pop pimples le lah ! liang teh. ><"!! i dun drink one !!!
whole day changing cash envelopes price tags. each prices got more dan 50 le loh. i think i changed ard 500 price tags ba? the most diff things is must be changed cleanly. ><"!! cannt have a single sight of the previous price tag loh. ><"! dots ~
tml gonna bring customer`s parker pen for engraving ! hahahas. nv tried before lei ! nth also bah? hahahas.
im waitng for sunday ! i wan off ! guess tml work im goin in kino for shopping bah? hahahs! i wan c where those`s things located or what lah.. !
and best ! now im looking at my time sheet. guess what. tml early. then OT. then early. ><"!! gosh ! dun be afraid if u saw me. im not a panda ~
somemore 17th reaching ~ need go out say speech. scary ~
and i notice that i`ve got leave for the two days ! 27th and 28th ! woohoo ! two days straight !
mummy now look as if she kana beaten up by somemore. family abuse or what. cos her hand all swollen and blue black. cos she went to "chou xue" take out blood. say what old ppl take out blood then the old blood wun block at the veins there or what one. end up her hands and legs. omg ~ sikali police saw her will question her. she wan board plane that time they will faster hurry her into the plane. cos they might think she goin to flee away from someone. ahhahahahs!
oya. wun be able to see the newcomer. gosh. so irresponsible ah? but expected lah. so many days nv come. really MC meh? somemore one day is mama mc. then next day she mc. ><"!! her mama pass virus to her ar? hahahas !
another ard 23 and a half hr to the end of 12th. hahahahahas ! xPPP think my safety is in danger ! LMAO. but hope somethings good will happen lah ~~
im not happy !! x((
.Tuesday, July 10, 2007 ' 11:14 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
was almost late for work today ! heng mummy came back in time to wake me up. hahhas. im suppose to get out of house lastest by 8.30am. but i woke up at 8.30am. lols ! not really lah. cos im just lazy to wake up. and drag drag drag. till i fall asleep back. lmao. but i reach there early still. ><"!
then start work. super busy. nth much to say lah~
alright. i seriously need some time for myself lah ! im going to make myself avaliable for at least two hrs to shop in KINO ! lmao. i know i sound lame. but i wanna go there and take a look at all those books im interested loh ~
fine. im goin to do my "BIZ" le. LMAO. busy !
.Monday, July 09, 2007 ' 11:27 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg ~ mummy keep repeating how the fortune teller praise her beauty. ><"!! she cant stop le ~ help me ah !~ LMAO.
and the fortune teller say that " ur daughter is actually siding u dan her father " LMAO. of cos lah ! since when i side my papa. ><"!
im eating maggi again. ! ><"! eating for days le. mummy go hk tat time will be eating again. ><"!!!
oya ! before work. saw a tv prog. abt a guy wan to propose to the gal. but they go trick the gal or sth lah. din watch the front part. but i watch the ending part lah. so the gal know abt the plot they planning. and she got angry. scolding the guy saying this is childish and blah blah. then need to ending mah. the guy was crying loh. so sad ! he like regret that he shouldnt do all these even though he know she might get angry. dan so sad ! then they do ending with qiao en saying all the blah blah thing. beside stand a bear bear. the bear bear keep sayang him. ask him dun cry. then he keep cry. say he very ai her one. blah blah. then end up the bear bear is the girl ! hahhaas. the girl trick the guy back. LMAO! sooo romantic !
went work. saw winston at mrt station. ahhahas. then took the same train. he drop at yck. then go work. was the earliest this time round. lmao. heng my uni not smelly. hahahahhas !
then elwin came. he ask for my fone. lols. but sorry ah bro. i cant take phone in de. hahhas. im not ur jiu xin. hahahhas! then work work work !
oya ! we`ve got harry potter products ! lmao. got tee shirt somemore ! NBC is no longer stationary counter. got tee and bags also le. ><"!
so the harry potter got the bottle, bag, notebook. colouring sets. teeshirts and blah. forgot. hahahhas!
working OT tml ! faints. and i guess tml the newcomer will come.bah? LMAO !
omg. i need to crack alot of braincells to think of what to buy.. jiu ming ah ~
oya. we were the last to leave kino today instead of the first few. normally we are first. then they din know we are sitll inside locker room change. then they switch off lights. TMD ! damn dark. cant c my fingers at all ! no kidding ! damn scary loh !
and my poor thing. he`s getting sick le. cos keep got radiation. then he keep spin. hahahhas !
argh ! he`s* back in action to fan me again le ! roars ! hahahhas.
.Saturday, July 07, 2007 ' 11:43 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im back! and i forgot to bring my uniform back to wash ! smelly ! hahhas ! see if tml` s goin town anot lo ~
im super duper full !
just had my lunch cum dinner cum supper. two packets of maggi mee. ><"! although i din finished it. but im still full ! then ! i need to take my antibiotics. then ! i cant shallow it. then ! i drinked a bottle of water str becos the medi start to melt. and the taste is still with me ! roars ! so bitter !
erm. the above are ytd`s post. but im too tired. so i just save them up as drafts and went lala land. hahhas !
okay. continue. ytd. ! was all the while wrapping those things. 3 baskets for me to wrap. can wrap for two days lei ~ lols.
oya. i went to counter A for like many times lah ! roars ! becos that customers is too tall ! lols. ! i mean. he tall enough to get those wind charms without our help. so we dun know he bought the wind charm. so he went to pay for it. got call from counter A ask for the box. i ask her what thing. she say " pig " and it`s a pig design wind charm lah. then ! i tot is monokuro boo. cos PIG mah. ><"! then rush there. sians. so it`s wind charm. then went all the way back to find the box. and went all the way back there to pass him a new piece becos.. HE DUN WAN TO COME BACK HERE ! roars ! and counter A is at the main entrance. while we are like in the end there. dots ~~
and got scolded by a customers becos i duno where eng mag is. ><"! she said " u working here and u duno where is it? " stun ~ supervisor help me out. tot she`s goin to scold me. but she din. phew ~ instead she told me no need to be stun. for this kind of cases can talk back. weets !
and was chatting with senior and mee wah while doing our stuffs. funny. hahhas !
today ! wake up and had a few spoons of rice. ><"! then ! went out to meet my laopos. baobei is forever late. ><"! hahahhas. then went walk ard np. then to bishan. then back to np. ahhas.
bought things from action city. bought a monkey mirror keychain. monkey hp accessories which when got radiation, the body will twist. then a tofu keychain. and a gift box from mini toons to put things.
oya ! ytd is o7o7o7. i`ve got diff to write the date. hahhahas ! many ppl got married ytd too ! and is earth green day? duno lah. something to do with earth day. hahhahhas !
saw ying today ! she shouted my name. scare the hell outta me. tot i owe who money. hahahhas ! and saw ning and jiahui too ! (:
alright. the above are ytd`s post. was waiting for kor to "SIAM" from lappy cos he`s watching naruto. but he die die dun wan get up ! ><"!
12th ! faster come. i wan see if "that" comes true ! hahahhas !
the monkey mirror keychain.
AHH ! the head ! ><"!
beadcurd ; tofu keychain !
baobei`s ke ai de keychain with one alien?! hahahhas !
my ke ai de twistable keychain ! ((:
.Friday, July 06, 2007 ' 11:12 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
OMFG. =X im working OT tml ! and the only early shift ppl is supervisor ! roars !!
and i`ve got like three basket of things for me to wrap tml lah ! ><"!
okay.. so. work was okay. managed to finish those tasks given to me on time.
oya ! break time was funny. went break with mee wah and siying ! (: then we went mac. got mac coupons. so we order our meals and had three 6pcs nuggets free ! so we have 18 pcs of nuggets free ! lmao. we couldnt finish it. and we still left alot of fries loh ~ lols.
the funniest things is. we happily eating. and we forgot about time. and we were relutant to leave also lah. then look at the time. gosh ! two more mins to rush back to punch card ! cannt late. and three of us are running up the escalaters lah. lmao. funny scene. and we run into the staff room. faster punch ! woohoo. one more min before we are late ! hahahs. was panting. and about to vomit. we just had our meals lei ~ lols. but fun ! hahahs.
then went back work.
alright ! im goin to fa lao shao now !
got one customers. damn argh ~ was packing the rubbers sections and he was standing at the pen counters and he shouted for me. ><"! fine. then he ask if we are selling any coloured pens in a sets anot. i shown him. and he replied " not coloured pen but color pen " wth. ><"! then i intro him the g-tec pen. more like for writing mah. then he say " u open it. isure buy. i sure buy " ><"! erm. the set is being seal lah. but i dun believe he will buy. so i pick from the counters those same pens. since there`s only four pens. easy to pick. then he ask got others? i showed him. then he say " u pick all the colors inside here " ><"! and this time round is 12 pens mind you ~ ><"!!! im scolding vulgarities inside alr lah. i dun like his attitude. im just a staff working there. not ur maid okay ~ then i picked for him. and he say " nvm abt it. i dun wan that " TMD ! u at least try mah. argh. then he take two g-tec pen. both is RED. but diff point. one is 0.25 one is 0.4 and he asked " which one is red color ? " ><"! i said both is red. he say " no lah. how can it be. " then i diam diam. i took that two pens from him and test for him. then his turn to diam diam. MALU ~ then he pass me all the pens he wanted to buy and say " take. " tmd ! then i went to get a basket and put all pens in and pass him the basket. hello ~ im busy okay ~ not so free like u hor ~ then he went to the correction tape sections. ask which is the smallest size. i shown him. and he say " it`s the smallest meh? in my country it`s consider big " ><"! YOUR country what ! not MY country. dots ! then he say " u pick for me the smallest one. and i wan the refil " .. fine ~ then he opened a seal up fasteners sets and ask " can i try it ? " dots. HELLO ~ u alr open it ~ and u still ask? machim u steal le things then ask " can i steal? " ><"! bth lei ~ and he`s talking very loudly mah. and the tone is like very anxious tone. so other staffs noticed that. all try to avoid him. the other departments de staff came over and say got customers need help. i faster go help that other customers but not him. then end up mee wah tio ! lols. heng mee wah nv one outlet ask one by one lei. cos in the end. he nv buy all these things at all. it`s all send back to us loh. DOTS ! such a waste of our time.
wow. abit long. hahahahs !
alright. im need to sleep le ! if not cannt wake up. nights ~
oh ! forgot to mention. ytd, when im in train. three small boys. primary school one. came into the train fighting and pushing one another. the scene is sooo familiar. and i reliased that i seen them fighting and pushing one another before. also in the train. did i mention before? lols. that time is got a uncle scolding them .and they talk back somemore ! now no one say them. cos cant be bothered. got a aunty ask them stop pushing lah. and they damn lame lah. jumping to see who are reach the ceiling there. ><"! and ! they push and push. then push dao me lei. tmd. give them killer stare ah ! my ears damn pain that time. so my face alr black. u still push dao me?! lols. wanted to scolded them de. but i dun wan to be the headlines for the newspaper. hahahhahas !
. ' 12:41 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
went work with my blocked ears. lmao. my ear is totally blocked for the whole day ! gosh. and when it`s clear. i find the surrounding to be damn noisy. hjahhahas ! can hear too clearly le. hahahs !
work today ~ nth much loh. jiu work. hahhas.
and that guy*. alamak. like what laopo say. er xin de nan ren. LMAO ! he used such lame ways to say he miss me. ><"!! buay tahan. hahhahs !
and he no need to think of any chances when he ignored my laopo lah. like tat no chances at all ! but even if he`s on good terms with her. also nochance. LMAO !
alright. so am i goin to saw the newcomers? hahahs !
and and ! i`ve got a super good "customers" for my blogshop ! she actually intro her friends to buy. 3 more orders ! x))) wee wee ! faster faster ~ i wan my clothes to be here in singapore ! hahhas. i wan that balloon tee ! hahahs. the tee i said i wanted it for like many times. hahahas !
nice nice nice?? xDDDD
and i notice that my blogskins is really "hearts everywhere " hahhas ! even the new dropping down graphics also heart. hshahhaas !
and i was searching high and low for my work time sheet. and i couldnt find it. why? cos mummy told it`s a used paper which is unwaste. and she go write her 4Ds numbers. ><"! and even she knows that it`s my work time sheet. she continues her writing. ><"!
.Thursday, July 05, 2007 ' 11:11 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
eww. went to see another round of doctor again. x(
ytd night start to pain again. but not as pain as the previous night. but still very pain. cried again. ><"! mummy bth. she shouted say "regardless pain or not tml go see doctor ! " the whole night my ear is blocked. i know there`s sth. but i cant do anything to it. x(
then today wake up jiu go see doc. he use the duno what thing to look into my ears. he even show mummy what`s wrong with my ears. then mummy shouted " SO RED AH? " lols. infection mah ~ ><"! then the thing suddenly spoilt. my ear too powerful le. hahhahas ! then cannt see my other ears.
then he said im allergic to antibiotic. LMAO. am i?! even mummy also duno ~ hahahs. but he say got records. hahhas.
then he said " u ah ~ if by monday u still not improving i need to refer u to specialist le lah. i scare nth but ur ear drums. now it`s too swollen. i cant look into ur ear drums. i scare later you ear drums burst. "
OMG ~ specialist ~ got so yan zhong ma??~~ x(( but hope that i recover by now ! hjahahs. i dun wan see specialists lah. very exp. hahahhhas !
sad. got four medicine. the antibiotic. the even stronger painkiller. becos too strong. so got a medicine is must take with painkiller de. for gastric de. protect my wei. hahhas. and ear drops. the antibiotic must complete. even if i recovered. sad ! tat means i die die also must eat 5 days. twice a day. ><"! and the nurse looked into my eyes and say " painkillers all these is to be taken only AFTER meal " lmao. machim she knows i sometimes nv eat jiu eat the painkillers le. hahahhas !
then doc ask " wan mc ma? " I ALSO WAN ~ but later need to deduct from my annual leave ~ cannt take unpaid leave ! duno why also ! roars ! somemore not enuff ppl.. better dun take lah ~
and im sooo curious how the newcomer look like loh. 2nd of july she should come alr. but till ytd she haben ~ say mama sick. she sick. lols. she like that sure die le lah. supervisor will treat her not good i think. hahhas.
laopos ~ he`s back to pester me again ~ lols. but not yet consider as pester. come talk to me le. LMAO ! got things to gossip le ~ hahahhas ! just kidding. ((:
.Wednesday, July 04, 2007 ' 11:29 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im back from work !
my ear hurts ~ but it`s recovering lah ~ hahhas.
work time ear super pain. somemore it will affect till my neck turns pain too. so i was like need to look up and down. damn xing ku. so went eat painkillers with empty stomach. =x heng nth happen. hahahs.
alot of suppliers come down change price tag. cos of the GST increase mah. really hope that can close for a day to do that lah. if not everywhere is packed. somemore they keep change the wrong thing. double jobs for us. ><"!
oya.break time went mac with liang min rui yu and jing fen. of cos wai ling too. wai ling keep complaint abt supervisor thing. she so angry ~ lols. really scare she`ll faint or what. hahhas.
and there de mac de eight characters really not suitable for me. stomachache again ~ ><"!
back from break. not long, supervisor conduct a mini meeting. which is machim more dan half ah hr. she said alot. wai ling voiced out all her " bu man" so scare they will quarrel ~ but everything turns out okay le ~ ^^ but ! 13th i became work OT. 17th work early. ><"!! ownself hai dao ownself. hahhahas ! 13th cos wai ling say she cannt work with two newcomers and meewah. she say she cant ying fu. so i worked OT. then 17th work early cos i need to say speech. ><"! is wai ling de. but she dun dare. then mee wah cannt. then end up became me. ><"!
speech : " good morning all staffs. NBC stationary is having a uni mitsubishi product promotion from 17th july to 17 aug. Every $5 purchased will be entitled with a free uni jetstream pen. All free gift will be redeemed at stationary counter "
LMAO. need to say infront of all kino staff during morning briefing. ><"! suan le. fan zhen sooner or later will tio de. hahhas.
then after work. went buy white bread from 7-11. then my hse got alot of stray cats mah. then all machim looking at me. cos i nv take plastic bag. just a short distance only mah ~ so scared they will jumped onto me for those break. somemore they keep meow. then i hugged my bread. so scare they will attack me. then they walked toward me ~! damn scary ~ who knows. they aiming the auntie behind me ><"! that auntie always bring food and feed them. alamak. i really feel like scolding tat aunty. not i scare cats or what. but u either bring them back home and raise them or what mah. u like that will hai dao them lei. got 4 strays cat. all turn fat le loh. what if they give birth? more and more stray cats lah? never ending story. . ><"!
oya.hate it man. being followed by a bunch of guys when im going work today. they followed me from my hse to mrt station. ><"! they keep calling me. but i pretend nv hear. they shout so loud sia. everyone walk pass also look at me loh. cos obviously they are calling for me. ><"! then i pretend that im listening to mp3. but i nv on at all loh. ><"! damn stupid lah ~
alright. gona eat my dinner. bath. sleep. (((:
. ' 10:04 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
but i suffered alot ytd okay ! super pain ! i take two pills of the stronger effect of painkillers machim no effect de. damn ass pain ~ x=
pain till i cant stop crying lei. automatic one. i slept at 12am. woke up at 1am cos too pain. cry cry cry till 3am dan sleep. ><"! somemore pain becos the infection affects my neck or whatsoever lah. ytd night my neck there swollen loh ~ now also swollen lah. but not pain le.
but my ears still very uncomfortable ~ x(
but nvm ! it`s recovering.
wow. mummy duno bring what thing back. one whole big box of facial equipment. hahahas ! im goin to be the white mice tonight.. x(( ~~ HAAHHAHAHAS !
oh. did i mention? i think mummy allow me to buy nds ~ xDDDDDD cos korkor wants too. hahhas. she dun wan me buy cos she say i surely san xin liang yi. play a few mths jiu put there. i guess i will like tat also lah ~ but then ~ korkor wan play jiu diff. cos korkor play things can play very long de. hahhas ~ and end up tat time didnt go sim lim sq or where at all. ><"!
im going work ~~ xDDDD later. not so fast. hahahahhas !
eww. i missed dong liang`s yu le bai fen bai. want to watch the chong bo ytd night. but ear too pain. no mood watch at all.
and i think i cant put in my contact lens today. hahhahas !
.Tuesday, July 03, 2007 ' 8:54 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
im super bored can ?~
i wan work ! i dun wan work ! argh ~
was watching naruto just now ! lmao ! soo cute and funny !
changed my blogskins ! im too bored. that`s why ! hahhas.
argghhh !
papa duno avoiding who again. that person claims she`s insurance agent of papa`s. she called like every one hr. fine. nvm. and im always the one who pick up.
" hello? "
" hello. is mr goh in? "
" he`s not in "
" he`s at work or went out? "
" i not sure. i din saw him. im sleeping all the way "
" is it he at home but u sleeping so u duno "
" .. im sleeping. but i know he`s not at home ! "
" then when he`s coming back? "
" not sure..............."
" then how to contact him? i called him afew times but he off his phone "
" duno. we always cant contact him also.. "
" then he`s now at work or? "
" ............ i said i duno.... "
tmd. hot okay ! curse that insurance woman ! u think i duno how are you ah ?! curse u and ur childrens !
. ' 11:59 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
took mc for today ! planned not to go office today becos wo bu shuang supervisor. now i really is take mc for the sake of my ears de loh.
ytd night msged her. dun dare to tell her early that im not goin for work today cos i scare will hai dao mee wah.but i see the timesheet. mee wah today work OT. so i wun hai dao her de ! so i told her abt it. she still so kind say " take care of urself. if cannt take it dan dun force urself " then i was like. "wah ~ " she acutally said all these lei. but i told her dat i will c firs tlah. i can tahan jiu go de lah ~ then she like tat say. then today morning i sms her say i not goin. wah. her attitude changed immediatly lah. " please provide mc than " argh ! but i went to see doc ytd ! expect me to go see doc today again for the mc meh?! damn bu shuang. somemore just wake up ear will be damn pain. then she smsed three msg to me at once. the phone keep rings non stop. ><"!
" yong xin.. take sick off must provide mc.. you should ask dr to give u mc as a proof of sick. i`ll check with paulyn whether u can make exceptional case becos u are still under probation period and no medical claims.. rmb take sick off must provide same day mc, no advance no belated in the future .. "
tmd ! i also know must provide mc ! but i also wun know i today will pain until i cant go mah ! even though i really dun wan to go office with u lah ! roars ! hahhas.
" please provide me your ytd visit proof like recipet so i can inform paulyn that you are sick and u apply leave or off for today "
but papa also take the recipet to his workplace to claim le lah ~~ so i told mummy abt it. she say she will go down and ask if the doc can provide me today`s mc.
then she smed come.
" paulyn say u can provide the recipet for ytd. if dun have please go to the doc for reprint. "
but. i got the mc still. becos it`s the same doc. he knows my condition. and i requested for a stronger effect of the painkillers. and the pills is small ! lmao. but they say "STOP IF GASTRIC PAIN OCCURS " alamak. sound so serious. like will have side effects lei.. scary.
but my ears will hurts still even though i had my ear drops and painkillers lah ! roars ! make my mood also not good. keep throwing tempers ! i know it`s my fault. but i also not everyday throw temper mah ! somemore mummy keep yarking away. i really feel like shouting back at her " ni xian wo ears not pain enough ah?! " ><"!
argh. and my right face keep pop pimples le lah ! cos i cant sleep with my left face down mah ! will press dao my left ears. PAIN LEI ! argh.
and mummy refuses to let me go facial. why? cos she`s taking up courses for facial. and im goin to be her white mice. ><"! dan u faster go learn mah ~~
im so not used for not goin work for two days ! crazy right?! but i wana go work with pinky health ! hahhaas. super pain ! i truely believe that im goin to throw temper at irraiting customers. hahhas !
and how am i goin to pick calls with my both ears infected? ><"!
.Monday, July 02, 2007 ' 2:28 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
off day for today !
went to see doc str after i wake up. at first only left ear pain. now right ear start to pain too ! argh ! and doc say that i`ve got ears infection. x(( last time eyes. now ears. roars ! but my right ears wasnt so bad lah. but my left ears .. argh. really feel like chopping it off ~
have got two medi for me. one is the ear drops. one is the painkiller. so now. my ears wasnt pain ! cos i just had my pain killers not long ago. ><"! im shivering when i look at the pills lah ! so big okay ! i dont know how to shallow pills de loh ~ but i manage to shallow the two pills in just 10 secs time ! woohoo ! claps for me ! hahhas.
oya ! the day when i rebonded. something sooooo pai seh happened! hahhaas. was walking towards darling hse. then we saw a dog. i forgot the species of it le. then im alil scare of dog de mah. but as long as it dun bark at me i wun be scare of them. so i was thinking lah.. eh. so guai. nv bark. then suddenly he barked very loud loh. darling also xia dao. and the main point is.. i xia dao cry ! lmao ! cannt control lei. immediatly cry ~ lols. darling still keep laugh at me. mei liang xin. hahahhas ! so pai seh can ~
waiting for korkor to come back home. see wan go sim lim square anot later. cant resist the NDS. hahhaas !
did i mention? mummy going hk with er yie ~ without me ~ x(( cant apply leave. x( but mummy said she will buy things for me ! weets ! but i cant go and buy things i wan ! i cant try on the clothes ! x(( but i wanna go taiwan more ! hahhahas !
i really feel like cabooting work tml ! cos of my ears also lah.. but like tat will hai dao mee wah ~ eww ~ and today got new comers ! so many new comers coming. but i dun wan " old comers " to go ! ahahhas.
.Sunday, July 01, 2007 ' 7:41 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
updated ! just came back from dinner after work. bloated ~
finally ! i rebonded ! hahhas. went to meet darling, darling`s nanny aka god ma. hahhas ! and her sister , sis at NSS there. then makan for breakfast and went to get our hair done. long wait. but finally my hair was done ! hahhaas. darling was so guo fen. she said " now u look like a human being " roars ! tat means last time im a ghost. ><"! hahhahas !
was playing the xin li che yan during there. to pass time. some was damn accurate ! hahhaas.
then.. went back to darling`s hse and go np meet baobei.
oya. saw elvis. oh tian ah ~ i saw him till dun wan c him liao. hahhas ! i saw him like four times lah ! oh my tian ! last time darling saw him, i will say " i wan c him lah ! i so long nv c him le ! " and blah blah. ytd. saw him four times. ><"!
and im being teased by my work friend. say i look like mushroom ! roars ! hahhahahas !
my ear damn pain now lah ! infection liao lah ! heng tml off. can rest. damn xing ku. eat things also diff. open mouth talk also will pain. roars !
and i dun wan go office with supervisor on tues ! argh ! SHE MAKE ME MAD ! SHE MAKES EVERYONE MAD AT HER !