.Sunday, July 31, 2005 ' 10:06 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
haf a quick update.
today morning wake up. 6am+ cos laogong sms mi. saw two msg. normally will read the oldest one first rite. then read the ytd nite de. still half wake half sleep condition. then c laogong say he goin malaysia at 6. then i tot he 6th of aug go. then c the newest one. he say he go ler. then i stun. lols. at first fone rang saw is 6+ tot i nv heard those morning calls. lols. tot is mon ler. lols. now. laogong is back. kekes. =)
hmm. nth much. go yishun pasar malam wif chrise. brought one bag. now regret. lols. then shop ard norhs. nth much.
forgot wat more to say. juz wan to say. MY MA BEEHOON VERI NICE! lols. i had been eating it non stop. think 5 plates ler ba. lols! but nt at one go lahhs. hahas.
.Saturday, July 30, 2005 ' 11:05 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wohoo. break my own record. so late back home. 11 then reach home. lols. from ju hse there.
hmm. today mahh. earli morning woke up by a familiar whack. lols. is my 3rd cuz. hahas. she come here. hahas.
then 7+ jiu wake up ler. alamak! hahas. then go downstair makan. yummy. carrot cake! wee. then maybe spicy ba. then i stomachache. >.< got inhert by my ma cannt eat spicy food. will stomachache. then my slipper de strap come out. one onli. tat shoes wif lots of straps. hahas. then go back home
after tat ard 10.30+. went to yishun central de resturant. alamak! yishun central also got. wahh. i din notice sia! buffet. wahh! oishi. nice! then all realli self service. even got ice kachang also self service. lols. then the cake veri nice and cute. veri small de. 3 by 3 cm ba. hahas. no lahh. 5 by 5 lahh. think so. then kaixin veri sleepy. earli morning wake up. then take chair put for her to sleep. lols. she realli fall asleep sia! then the staffs go buy one baby de shirt for kaixin. scare she cold. hu noes. woke her up. lols. then she start crying non stop. all was looking at us. lols. then at there went to the toliet for 5 - 6 times. lols. my aunt shoot mi say there de toliet so fun meh. lols. then ard 1+ go. lols. 11 till 1. 4 ppl bills. total 92 bucks. wahh! lols.
then went np. then my the slipper cannt wear ler mahh. then wear the high heel de white shoes. then hu noes. the strap also come out. =.- then i drag the shoes wif one strap from central to bus interchange. then hu noes. at the middle there. the other strap come out also. alamak! cannt wear at all ler norhs. then i was like keep drag here to there. wahh. machim pia kia one. lols. then yi lu drag dao bata. lols. brought this new shoes. for time being lahhs. then go power 9 buy earring. tat one i brought rust till black colour. wahh! scare mi. heng i nv put 2nd hole. later infection again. then buy ring kind de. then duno how to wear. ask the salegirl help. then the right ear which got 2nd hole one. cannt put in. she yin yin push in. wahh. sibeii tong ar.! lols. then went poh kim. my cuz buy vcd. wahh. she veri hiong. buy till abt 200 bucks. lols. she veri li hai. lols. then they went ler.
then chrise came. then go buy present while waiting. wendy take cab mahh. then call her take cab go ju hse suan ler. then wait for kel. hu noes he alr there. diaos. but nvm lahhs. now over ler. then go buy present.
then take cab go norhs. then reach there. call kennothan. then go there together. nth much. play cards. ai ya! buy play 21 dian nv play money. if not i win alot lehh. ahas. then watch boogeyman. ok lahh. kanna scared also. lols. then go c xiao bai. ju de rabbit. but it was shocked. by duno wat. shivering sia. then touch her fur. so soft de. hahas. then makan.
fast foward. cos there`s alot to write.
then cut cake. hahas. then take video. wahh. mi in the video machim shit norhs. so ugly! lols. then mi chrise wendy sy kiss ju. then they suggest go put lipstick. lols. then all put ler. go kiss ju. lols! they even take down the video. tot is foto. lols. then eat cake.
then after tat play water balloon. alrite. something happen. dun wanna say. it over ler mahh. then after tat mi chrise ju and wendy inside bathroom play. lols. make until the toliet paper all wet. lols. play until hiong and shuang ler then clean up. change. hahas.
then go sing karaok. duno how to spell lahh. ai yo. then after tat. go makan again. omg.! tml nt goin to eat ler. lols. then after tat. vis and xue come. then wr come in mac shirt. haha. nv saw him in tat shirt be4 lehh. then watch the video. lols. then after tat go down play fireworks and spray and bubbles.
firework ar. veri smoky. haha. then bubbles nice lahh. so romantic. lols. the spray yi xia zhi finish liao. haha. then they keep sing tian mi mi. diaos. lols. cos tat time wr change shirt ler mahh. is our couple shirt lahh. hahas. then ard 10.30+ go back home. kanna scolding. lols
then take cab wif chrise and wendy and wr and mi. lols! then go chrise hse first. then the uncle duno how to go. then go one round. wahh. lols. then after tat go wendy there. uncle keep wan go wrong road. then wr direct himm. wahh. he machim so boss like tat. lols. say until like tat de. haha. then wendy drop mi go my hse. then reach ler mi and him drop. then go back home.
then reach home. tot ma goin to scream. but she nv. lols. juz say faster go bath. hahas. then here updating.
neeed i miss out anithing??
.Friday, July 29, 2005 ' 8:59 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee. firstly. i wan to annouce. i REBOND-ED. lols. happii.
today ar. hmm. morning nv meet chrise. then reach late. lols. then nth much ba.
sch times realli nth much. cant rmb.
after sch. take cab. cos my muscle pain. lols. lazy walk. wanted to change those 100+ bucks de coins to notes in POSB. but hu noes cannt. then i dun haf the POSB card. then wan put in in chrise acct first then withdrawn. so noes onli certian days then can. then suan ler norhs. take cab again go my hse there.
at there makan. yummy. then went buy drinks then go cut hair. rebond. wahh. sit at tere for hrs sia. from 1+ to 6+. lols! imagine! alrite. the saloon was full hse lahh. hahas.
wendy and fr come when i was rebonding. they wanted to cut hair. end up dun haf. hahas. chrise cut ler. nice. kekes. then they go chrise hse first.
after rebonding. order satay first. so no need wait. then go back home. tot no one at hm. open door until veri loud. then open door ler stun tio. cos all in. kaixiin sleeping. wake her up. sorry! hahas. then change ler go chrise hse. take satay first of cos. hahas. then take mrt. then buy candy floss then go her hse. hahas.
reach chrise hse they all like so stunn. keep say mi look like adult. lols! then at her hse eat. put nail polish. btw. i put one hand onli again. lols!
then at ard 7.45 or wat. went back home norhs. nth much.
lols. i wan say sth! tml is my chinese lunar bdae. lols! also ju de party for her bdea. lols!
.Thursday, July 28, 2005 ' 9:23 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

kaiixinn after cut hair. =) so gong look. ahas.

. ' 9:22 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

lols! after making effect. look at my eyes.! damn black! lols! i nv put eyeliner hor! hahas. and tat eye look machim it went into my eyelid. lols! creepy.

. ' 9:20 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

we lo0k alike arr. hahas.

. ' 8:50 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i`m abit lazy to update. but. still mux.
today morning. hmm. everyone was earlii except laogong. lols. first time sia. hahas.
hmm. i dun realli rmb wat had happen.
mr toh nv come. on course. free period. but. need do ws and wb. somemore on the chp tat he teach halfway and the other halfway tat he nv teach yet is the thing we need to do. diaos. rohanna nv come too. too xinku hafing babi ler ba. hahas.
eng period was damn funii. hahas.taking pic wif weiting. lols. was laughing like siao. also duno y. hahas. then got one pic we look veri alike. haha. frenz c ler all stun. lols. later post up here. *winks.
recess ar. argh. dun wan mention. but thanks to xiang mama. i think. cos i was throwing temper. reading harry potter bk. read read read until so damn fed up. throw my bk away. think is xiang mama help mi pick up. thanks.
hmm. still got wat else?
after sch makan sch canteen food. then went out to mac. buy fries. saw kennethon. walk together. hmm. then go buy bubble tea. saw fr they all one whole gang. lols. kua zhang. then walk back sch. wif high speed. lols. cos 3pm ler. then nth much. ngoi nv scold. then start changing. then go cca room help instructor take out all those costmues she wans. one whole big bag. hahas. then gang it back to dance studio. start pratice. wohoo. can spilt lehh. left abt 2 3 cm. but after awhile cannt ler. lols. so funii. decided nt to perform for teacher days. then got more time to improve this dance. and more challenging. gd. hhaas. was so damn tired.
after tat. went ljs makan. then went back home.
lols. i keep lenting ppl money. got money wif ngoi. and instructor. lols!
kaixin and da yi was here. kaixin cut hair. hahas.
laogong hp spoilt. he so sad. but i duno how to an wei him. i wasn`t in great mood.
tml goin to rebond instead of sat. cos i cant wait. hahas.
i was lazy to think wat happen ler. hahas.
.Wednesday, July 27, 2005 ' 4:47 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. i`m back home. =)
today morning. hmm. ju was late. and mi and chrise reached earlier dan her. first time sia! lols. then waited for her then go sch. then while walking. feel my hp vibrate. then c the msg. saw laogong msg. saying. " i`m behind eu " lols. then turn back. hahas. then at parade square look at the clock. wahh! be4 7am reach sch lehh! lmao. then today got alot of ppl come sit together ohhs. again. break record. lols.
first period was mdm rohanna`s but she nv come pick us up. lols. spend abt 10 mins at the parade square. waiting for cher to pick us up. but none. so. go up ourself. tot rohanna nv come. but. she came. diaos. then gif us back the ss test paper. finally~! i pass. lols. 8/15. there alot of improvement. even rohanna said tat. =) but hor. though this time i got more passes. but. suppose my eng and chinese can pass de. but nv pass. T_T. failers need to copy 5 times. (!!) and passers also need copy. once. hahas. but this is much beta dan mr ng. copy whole chapter de. this onli copy the answer scheme.
PE. mr wong got come. but he on course. so no pe. heng ar. cos morning time searching for PE shorts. cannt find. then dun wan go pe. hahas. then veri shiok. spent half a period read harry potter. lols. then the one and the half period sleep. lols. realli fall asleep. still got dream i think. but. i forgot wat`s tat dream ler. hahas.
geo was veri slack. wahhaa. use com again. for mindmap. wahahhaa! then went downstair buy diskette. lols.
MT. do compo. argh. at first veri angry wif vivian foo. we went toliet mah. then think veri long ba. maybe. cos mi dun think veri long till she need throw temper. argh. other guys like wj hor. come in late she onli say onli. we first time late come in she shouted at us. argh. then was dl wif her. argh. then nv bring dict. need stand up do compo. wat lann. everytime wj nt ard then got compo then will punish lehh. if not always let us go de. argh. feel she veri bias lahhs. then suddenly she come and say mi drop alot. T_T. then ask fr chrise and ju help mi out. lols. then after tat nt so angry ler lahhs. noe she cares alot of mii. then hand in paper to her tat time. she ask mi got anithing wrong wif mi anot. cos mi like sian sian like tat. then i shake head. then she say dun bluff mi. lols.
then ask fr help mi take out the power 9 earring. lols. supposely onli one wk later then can. ahhas. then fr help mi take until she poke till her finger inside there. SORRY!! dui bu qii. then she help mi put the new one. but seems no diff. wan put the new one i have prepare for this hole. but the thing behind gone. lost. cos tat time drop. then take bear bear one. lols. seems no diff. lols!
then weekly assembly. nth much. juz tat. tat presentation. i seen it be4. on mon if nt wrong. lols.
after sch at sch wif ju wait for chrise. she got bio ting. then eat in sch. yummy. long nv eat ler. hahas. then hor. chrise come ler. but alr 3+. supposely wan go lot one c ju present de. but end up nv ler.
on the way to bus stop. chrise buy balloons. lols. she blow till burst. mi tie it till burst. hit till my stomach. >.< ju is take back at her hse downstair duno y burst. lols. then saw li hia. then chrise ask her help her tie. lols. she damn fast jiu tie hao ler. lols. then went np together. then mi go popular buy balloons. hahas. we at lv 2 there play. then one xiao didi saw. then gif him one. hahas.
there goes my hope. of changing fone. lols. but nvm lahs. juz tat will be veri ugly onli. then protection for the light come out. it`s condition was worsen. lols.
juz now go ask my hse downstair de shop. ask rebond how much. 90. + treatment lehh. wat liao. long noe then tat time come here rebond jiu hao ler mahh. chong pang de also 90 but no treatment. sianss. lols.
waiting for sat to come.
1) can rebond. wee.
2) ju wun keep pester ppl buy present or keep asking ppl buy wat present for her ler. diaos. cannt stand.
.Tuesday, July 26, 2005 ' 8:32 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg. finally i`m back home. hahas.
ytd nite. went downstair makan. wif my laobeii ma er jiu and jiu mu. yup. they come s'pore. cos my ma asked them to tok to my laobeii. haiis. alrite. i mux say tat it has been ages. ya. ages. my laobeii eat wif us. unless it`s special days. like new year or wat. at my grandma hse. haiis. alrite. while eating. one black cat rush pass my chair. wahh! i almost cry sia. so scary. mi scared until my legs was in the postition like we sit at parade square. then at the end of the dinner. my leg crumps. lols. then the cat was sleeping under the chair near mi. after eating. my uncle and my laobeii and blk 805 there toking. haiis. as if i duno wat they are toking abt. those adults still whispering to each another. feel like telling them tat actually their whispering is loud enough for mi to hear CLEARLY. lmao.
hmm. today morning. was raining heavily. my ma shelter mi go mrt station cos the overhead pathway wasnt built finish yet. but. surprisely. the pathway was opened for passengers. lols. ok. i got sth to say. i`m typing veri slow. cos i juz bath finish. i`m feeling damn cold ok. lols. continue. then which mean my ma actually shelter mi for nth. cos the pathways was ready. and the whole jounrey from my hse to mrt station. haf shelter. lols.
then meet chrise. then reach our meeting point. my two gIagIa shelter mi. lols. stand at the middle wif ju` jackets. hahas. then reach sch. nth else ba.
got my chem test. lols. 15/30. i was so damn suprise. i mean. i haf more confident in maths dan chem. yet. chem passed while maths got 4/30. hahas. was shouting here and there. lols. others was looking at mi. gif a face saying " are eu ok? " hahas.
fastfoward. lazy to type.
hmm. after sch. tat toopid yet handsome(=P) de mr toh. told us to stay back. diaos. one by one gif him wb to check and mark and being asked question by him. ohh gosh. i haf date wif my family k. he spoilt my mood. argh. keeping saying "ass" when i heard him saying tat all of us need to stay back. somemore. nt straight after sch. mux wait for him somemore. wth? goshh! damn fcuk up in the afternoon. alrite. all waited for him outside staffroom. then suddenly all dun wan to wait. one by one pass mi wanning and veron bks. and all siam ler. when mr toh saw us. he face changed. wahh. damn firece de face. then told him all got thing left ler. then he said in a firece tone tat everyone mux be here if not he wun collect. diaos. how sia. all siam ler. some even go home ler. then went up 3rd floor. saw the other gals and guys. hahas. then wait and wait. sians. onli until 3+ then can go.
then waiting for my ma they all to fetch mi up. hahas. then was boring. walking wif xiang. then pei laogong go down take wushu thing. then xiang mama say later find mi. lols. i noe lahhs. she say gif us two tok tok. dun disturb. but. he hafing pratice. lols. then call ju call mi. chat. was wondering y my ma took so long. was calling my ma and found out her fone cannt get through. call the other no. same. then. head guangyong shouting and ask xiang mama. " eu noe where yongxin ma" then i was like huh?? then look down. my ma there. diaos. tml no face go sch ler lahhs. so lose face. she go ard the sch and ask ppl whether noe mi anot. wahh! T_T. like kid like tat. argh. her fone got prob. scold mi say i use fone tat y cannt call. then i dun believe. i took her fone and call my hp. i`m nt using it. then. it cannt get through.! it wasn`t my fault k. wat lan.
then my uncle drive us go amanda hse. but amanda wasn`t at home. ok lahh. i shall say tat amanda parents realli love her alot. they even do "article" abt amanda. lols. veri hard to explain here. then slack there. luckily i got bring harry potter bk one. lols. if not. duno wat to do. there they goes. toking abt my laobeii again. haiis.
then went to biao ge hse. but biao ge and biao sao nt in. onli biao jie and da yi and kaixin in. and. my uncle repeated the same thing again. cos my da yi say " jiang gu shi leh " noe wat she means rite. diaos. i act nth then watch tv.
then went downstair of their hse makan. nice. oyishi. and tat dinner was my first meal for today. ate in at 6.30+pm. finally. lols. but. after one plate i was full ler. yet the adults keep gif mi their rice after they noe it my first meal for today. and nagged at mi. lols. so. i haf been eating 2 plates of rice for two days. ytd and today. gosh. i`m growing fatter. T_T
then on the way back to yishun central. i was sleeping. until the car stopped at the yishun central there. then my uncle went one whole round and fetch my ma and jiu mu. the other time in the car. i was reading harry potter. until now. my eyelid is so damn heavy. then er jiu drive us back home and they go back malaysia ler.
saw mdm how at staffroom while waiting for mr toh. she called mi. lmao. she noes my name sia. i didn`t noe. or rather. since when she noes. lols. then ask mi today got cd anot. then i was stun by her. then she say tat shanjie they all say haf. then mi dun dare tell her say dun haf. i say. i nt sure. i go ask my frenz. hahas. then i siam her. hu noes. at 3rd floor there saw her again. she ask mi got anot. i told her i haben call. then she ask mi to call now. then i call shanjie. no one ans. huiwen. duno y. cannt get through. grace one too. lols. then i pretend pretend. then she nv find mi ler. lols. then shanjie told mi tat they bluff mdm how. hor hor.
amaths lesson damn funi. hahas. chio bu became jiao bu. lols! mrs lam damn funi lahhs. today lesson damn shiok. she`s in great mood today. and keep joke ard wif us. even say out hu is the chio one in our class and the handsome one. even the hairiest one. lols! lame. chio one. she say quite alot of ppl out. like poh siew. joanne. rixiang. jasmine and got somemore else. and got mi also lahhs. (nt trying to be bhb ohhs. say onli) but. she forgot my name. T_T. saddening. yup. handsome one. nt so much. in fact. i dun rmb got ani. lols. and she say she veri gd at definining chios and shuais one out. esp. the chios one. cos she say she love looking at gals. alamak. hahas. jokes started when cai huang ask her to siam. " qian mian na wei xiao jie. excuse mi " hahas. then mrs lam say. if cai huang say " qian mian na wei mei nu. excuse yi xia " then will saw her fly over the other blocks to siam. let cai huang c the board. lols! today amaths damn gd lahhs. =).
.Monday, July 25, 2005 ' 6:14 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
i wan to buy harry potter bk two and three.
if not how i read the newest one?
i wan to learn make up.
since tat speech day.
i wanted to learn.
to my surprise.
my ma supported mi.
wanted to buy tat 13 bucks thingy
at john little.
wanted to buy tat bk.
teaching ppl how to make up
i wan make up for ppl.
nt myself.
funni har?
. ' 5:09 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
firstly. i wanted to say sth.
i pirece another earhole.
pray tat this time will be successful.
cannt resist.
tat more hole on my ears will be nicer.
but nt too much.
happi bdae to my pri buddy
sheng ri kuaii ler ohhs.
ok. today mahhs. got wat nehhs? got back my emaths and mt.
emaths onli got 4/30. lols.
i admit i nv learn.
tat trues.
fail by one marks.
for the first time of my life.
after sch waited for chrise.
till ard 2.45
then went ljs makan.
then go shop shop.
then saw those earring.
then wan buy.
buy 2 get 1 free.
then the one free each of us get one.
if i pirece another.
then ok norhs.
go pirece.
nt veri pain.
yi xia zhi onli.
i scare will infection again.
then saw laogong at np.
but nv walk wif him lahhs.
cos he wif his frens.
then keep walking ard.
then wan go home tat time.
he called.
then walked together to mrt.
said gd bye to chrise.
then board train together.
then he send mi home.
the journey was so damn funii.
i keep laughing.
.Sunday, July 24, 2005 ' 6:02 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
a boring day. hahas.
hmm. today mahh. got tution. at 12. supposely is at 11 lahhs. he cant wake up. lols. hai mi wake up so earli. eat thing till so kan chiong. lols. then play gta. till he comes. lols.
duno tution for wat. test also over ler. but mi nv tell my ma. =X tat y need tution. but i told him. lols. then end it fast fast. hahas. chop chop. kekes.
my laobeii sibeii kp lehh. wat liao. he need use the com to transfer the pic and video mahh. then i watch teebee. then i on ler he say he wan watch news. sian norhs. cannt use anithing. then i use fone. then call ju mahh. cos juz now she call mi. i miss-ed it. then use hse fone. got two hse fone. one is cordless and one is got wire de lahh. then the cordless de no batt. cannt use. then the got cord de tat one. beside com. then i call hor. 5 mins later. he wan c his pic. dun wan us to c. then he chase all out of my kor room. diaos. again. i cannt use fone. then i go watch teebee. cannt find remote control. he took it. wahh liao. then i screamed at him. argh. then be4 tat. after tution. mi hungry. wan makan. ma nt at home. i go downstairs buy. then ask my kor wan eat wat. then wan go down buy ler. he wake up. then ask him wan wat. he say anithing. then i say all buy same norhs. he say ok. but then go down. the stall haben open. then i call and ask him wan wat. he say he wan guo tiao tang. ok. then mi buy laska for myself. then reach home. i sibeii hungry ler. then pour into the bowl. then he saw and say " my ar? " then i say. " wo de lahh" then he screamed at mi. say he wan laska. diaos! then of cos i screamed back lahh. he ownself say he wan guo tiao tang de. wat liao. pc arghh. but now nt ler. hahas.
today is rabbit de first day. lols. wish him gd luck norhs. wahh. today all vis xue and rabbit got work. wahh. onli diff timeslot. hahas. i wan go c! but. lazy. lols.
sians. nth to do. btw. changed my blog song. sii xiin de lii you. FIR. *winks
.Saturday, July 23, 2005 ' 8:05 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

mi wif my fav newbie shirt. =)

. ' 8:04 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥


. ' 8:03 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

moii leg. lols. ytd speech day causes it to be tat black. but moii wasn`t the blackiest. hahas.

. ' 5:25 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
humph.! i saw something i shouldnt c.! argh. duno wat`s my feeling now. jealous ba. humph! but will be fine again other time. argh!
today ar. supposely is wan go out wif jie de. btw. is fangru sis. my jie too. ^^ to tat zpop concert. but. i haf to reach home be4 nite. haiis. so nv go. sorry. =(
then went out awhile wif ju. take my contact. my left de crack until no medi cure ler. hahas. then tat uncle come out from his room and say. " dun wear ur tat old one ler. cannt wear hor " still ask mi abt chrise. lols. ask if she got ani prob wearing anot. such a caring one.
btw. be4 we went there. went to buy candy floss. lols. i haf been eating it for 3 days. but nt continous one. hahas. then went to cwp. wah. today keep chasing for tt mrt. lols.
3-4 time ler ba?
wahh. duno wat my ma gif mi to eat. so spicy! my tongue is so damn spicy now!!
then wanted to catch tat `bug mi not *chong bu zhi tat show. then end up cathay dun haf. diaos. then went back sun plaza. cos ju checked. got one timeslot is 1pm de. can watch. reach there buy ticket norhs. and popcorn.drinks too. kekes. then went toliet put my contact. if not wat i goin to c? lols. blank and blur screen. lols. then went in the threatre.
ju was attracted by tat charlie and the chocolate factory movies ad then she stood at the pathway of the threatre to watch tat ad. lols. was standing there like baiichii. until i wake up up by saying " weii. stand here for wat. we sit wat row. " lols. then sit down ler. ju told mi to becare. "huh?" then turn my head. wahh. xia dao. got legs. lols. then went to sit other place. hahas. then went tat movies. eww. such an interesting and touching one. nt bad lahhs the movie. kekes.
then went np. ju find her ma. lols. but end up nv saw at all. lols. then was shopping ard. nth much.
i lub both my newbie shirt. =)
i`m ok ler.
co0py mo0ii lines o0nlii. hahas.
.Friday, July 22, 2005 ' 10:14 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. today got so many damn sad thing happen. haiis.
morning time. wake up quite early. at 8. then nth much. waited for chrise. i dint noe ju coming too. lols. then was shocked when ju call and say open door. lols. then they saw mi wear spec all reaction so kua zhang. lols. then mi change. they play wif amanda. yesh. amanda damn hyper today. lols. then was wearing my contact. then left eye de put ler sibeii pain. duno y. then take out. wahh! crack until so hiong. lols. imagine lahhs. one circle. then need measure the area. need radius rite?? then my contact got lehh. lols. laming. then nv wear contact. hahas.
then take thing go my hse downstair makan. suppose chrise cutting hair de. end up dun haf. lols. then go makan. yummy. carrot cake. wahh! hao hao chi ohhs. i wan eat. >.< hahas. then order ler then packet food for my ma then delivery to my ma. lols. then go back eat. omg. i`m hungry. lols.
then went sch. pia-ing the cca board. omg. hahas. at first got alot of lizard shit. still got dead dragonfly. thanks to kel and tat aunties. hahas. then decorate. well. ok lahhs. hard workk. effort. can be seen. lols. then got one wushu poster. also duno when put up de. lols. then we put wushu leh. lols. chrise draw wushu then mi cut. hahas. then paste it up for them. gd hor? hahas. *wushu: - how eu all goin to repay uss? lols. then run up mrl. lols.
at there. change. inside tat room. lols. then make up. wahh. need clip fringe. lols. but mine clip bu shang. cos mi juz cut nt long mahhs. plus. i also dun wan. then mi use ju headband. lols. blue de. same as costume colour. hahas. then push my fringe up. then got short short de. then comb it down. it`s the best i can do ler. lols. then make up. lols. i wan say sth. but say ler most ppl wan beat mi. lols. i no need draw eye liner! lols. then mi make up veri fast hao ler. lols. then our eyeshadow colour is according to our costume colour. hehes. blue~. but. i`m nt a blue freak. lols. i`m still more to white or black. hahas.then slack at mrl. cannt go anywhere. wah. realli slack. lols. then wear moi contact. juz the right eyes. then after tat. the guy of the spec shop called mi and say my contact is ready. omg! so damn fast. 2 wk became 2 days. lols. cos i told him my contact craked. hahas. gd lahhs.
then heard kor say sth abt *him. haiis. sad. i heard ler. i almost cried. haiis. but i cant. later make up gone. hahas. then keep ren. haiis. then suddenly say got small rehearsal. after our dance and wushu they all de performance. need go out stage sing sch song. diaos. ok. then on the way saw vivian foo. hais. she told mi i fail my chinese. again. another sad thing. the more i wan to cry norhs. but tat time i at hall lehhs. got alot of ppl. cannt. ren ren ren. keep ren. haiis.
after tat. saw one msg. i get back normal. hahas. then help grace bu zhuang. hahas. then they say i look like prof. lols. then they i say. " call mi prof goh. " lols. hahas. grace is the onli one i heard tat say wan the make up to be darker. more obvious. lols. first time sia.
finally. perform ler. first one was gd? alot of ppl say. like miss uma and the dance instructor we teach us this dance. gd. hahas. then after performance go out stage sing. lols. like baii chii like tat. hahas. then was so sweaty norhs. cos cannt move mahh. then juz perform finish. then sweat was dripping. then mr eu take fotos. lols. wonder if he will take until one drop of sweat drop anot. lols. think too much.
then went back. wahh. so damn sweaty norhs. then went to com there tok to *him. hhaas. then vis and xue came to di siao siao. still got wat marriage ceremory. then xue was the one tat say all those stuff. vis the cameraman. diaos. lols. then after tat they went "shooting" for ad or show. wateva. hahas. lame. tok tok wif him norhs. haiis.
then after tat. was asked to go down makan. hmm. nv makan. lols. alot of ppl lahhs. then onli drank water hahas. then chrise booked tat sly thing from uncle mike. lols. then went up. then ju ma came. then go down fetch her. hahas. then go back. then was playing xue. lols. xue say wan put make up! lols. then we go put. hahas. mi help him draw one eye de eyeliner. lols. then yellow colour de eyeshadow. lols. so niang! lols. still got the blush? and lipstick. lols! then saw *him alone sitting at one corner. then pei him. chit chat again. hahas. he said sth sibeii funi. laugh until buay tahan. then was ask to go down for the 2nd round.
well. 2nd round sucks like hell. lols. cos the music got abit hang. lols. then everyone timing nt rite ler. then was veri messy. after awhile beta ler. hahas. heng ar. then c wushu`s de again. omg. so shuaii! wahh. buay tahan. hahas. siao. but realli norhs. veri shuaii. so serious. and hiong. lols. all veri shuai. but to ur info. 3 wushu`s member onli. lols. then sing tat sch song again. we got so aii sch mehh. sing two time. lols.
then go xie zhuang. wahaha. saw meifang! long nv c. then took pic wif the bg of the ccaboard. hahas. then suppose wendy coming wif mi and chrise go pirece ear. but think her fren got prob? so tell her to pei her fren more imp. hahas. then mi and chrise went onli. on the way. brought tat bubble tea. well. cannt finish it. lols. then went foodcourt. wanted to makan. but then. full hse. lols. then pei chrise dao earhole first. i nv pirece. gIa liao. lols. then one of them realli sot. chrise say " gIagIa " then she go say tat xiao zhu de lines. the gIagIa line. lols. then chrise reaction so kua zhang. hahas.
then went foodcourt eat. again. onli mi eat. hahas. then eat western food again. wahh! i`m in lurve. wif western food. lols! then went shop shop. then go home ler.
sad! today is amanda last day. then my ma was like. the last 15 mins then tell mi. somemore i was bathing. wah. sad.! T_T. feel like crying. sob sob. nv tell mi earlier. if not i will pei her more. sad!!!!!! hen sad!!
haiis. at first here is written wif those sad stuff. abt *him de. but. i think beta dun. hahas. i duno y. got a feeling i post ler. something bad will happen. hahas. trust myself ba.
i`m waiting for tat day.
.Thursday, July 21, 2005 ' 9:39 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. at ard 5 plus like tat. rush to bath and went meet chrise. for? cca board. lols. the three of them forgot all abt it. then tml need it ler. so mi and chrise go do. gd hor? lols. then went to popular to buy those stuff needed. lols. total is 17.50. after the popular card discount. hahas. alr veri sheng ler. lols.!
then went bk to do. buy drinks first. lols. then start work. chrise draw mi cut. lols. cut until my eye pia jiao. lols. then colour outline. wat liao. the marker no ink. then i shake mah. then the ink splast out. diaos. make until my shirt. below. wahh!!! my shirt.! tat couple shirt!! wahh! first time wear lehh. but luckily is bottom part. cos i will fold up mahhs. too big ler. lols.
then at ard 8+ to 9 back home. cos went downstair buy food. wahaha. satay! lols. fat ler fat ler! hahas. then nth much ba.
o ya. on the way to yishun. take the lift up platform. then saw my laobeii. lols. he eye open until so big when he saw mi. lols. cos 5+ ler still go out. then i say " i go northpoint" then faster go in lift. lols. later he drag mi home. lols.
. ' 5:00 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
sad.! my fone got injuries. lols. duno y. today morning wake up saw my fone de light there. crake abit. out of shape ler. *mummy~ can change fone? lols. but i dun feel like changing lehhs. got feeling wif this fone ler. lols.
morning time wake up. then rmb tat i accidently fall asleep. i was waiting for call. then open eyes. oh my. something is wrong. I NV TAKE OUT CONTACTS THEN GO SLP LER! lols. but nth lehhs. lols. got lahhs. at first veri blur. cannt c and open eyes. then go drop the eyedrop then can c ler. hahas. then on the way go sch tat time. saw Mr Chia. wee.! long nv saw him. but abit shocked y will saw him. then rmb tat i saw his blog saying his car was send for repair. hahas. shocked sia. but he more shock ba? i change alot since primary sch lehhs. lols.
hmm. got emaths and chem test. emaths i can say tt i failed. lols. chem. maybe got hope. lols. MAYBE. got back phy paper. wat liao. mr toh veri ling se lehh. 0.5 marks also dun wan gif. lols. bad lahhs him. yet mi still keep saying him shuai. lols.
recess again. is my fault. lols. shouted at ju. but apologise ler lahhs. then nth ler norhs.
today cd cancel. ms ngoi ask we tired anot. then say can cancel then cancel lahhs. hahahas.
hmm. after sch. went np makan. wanted to makan ramen de. but hor. c the pic then dun wan eat ler. eat western food again. * i`m nt goin to be healthy again. lols. then walk walk norhs.
tml goin to buy tidbits go sch. hahahas. then chrise comin my hse here cut hair. hahahas. then eat breakfast. wahahaa.
stomach veri pain. duno y. think i bao yin bao shi ba. eu noe. ytd i ate alot. damn lots. 7 sticks of satay. 3 toasted breads. potatochips. lols. for ard 9+. lols! like wat my ma say. is either dun eat at all. or eat so much once. omg. my stomach hurts. T_T. tml cannt eat so much ler. lols. c not will c fat fat de stomach being shown. lols.
.Wednesday, July 20, 2005 ' 9:57 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
morning time. meet wif chrise. late again. earli morning at 4.55 to 5. wake up charge the mp3 again. then shun bian dl songs. then hor. so freaking tired. go slp until 6+. lols. then meet chrise.
hmm. chinese test. wahh. so damn "simple" i cannt do at all. ok. i admit i nv learn. hahas. but i think i learn i still wun get to my expections.
geo time. this is the best lesson i had. lols. use com. use the duno wat inspiration to do mindmap. then copy the same thing excatly and can put the icons we like. wee. this is the best geo lesson i had. lols.
went PE today ohhs. lols. next time wan ask veron pei mi walk walk mux think carefully. lols.
after sch got rehearsal. 1.25 leave. mi and ju went to take the food provided. ok lahs. nt bad lahhs. then change clothes. hahas.
then went to MRL to wait. sleep. lols.
then our turn. ok. then nth much lahhs. lols. duno wat to say.
got the 2nd rehearsal again. hmm. ok norhs. no much to say. juz tat suddenly got moodswing. i duno why.
then after tat at hall watch wushu. wahh!! hao shuai ohhs!!! all THREE of them dou hen shuai! erm. maybe the sec one de. i duno. cos i onli c rabbit and xue. hahas. yesh. three. lols. then their part sooooooOOOoo damnnnn short. lols. less dan 2 mins? kua zhang? lols. but. hen shuai!!!
then went change. hmm. then go sembawang. sun plaza.
hmm. chrise go take contact. she veri fast learn hao ler. put and take out. hahas. faster dan mi. bi jing she got go through my lesson wif mi. hahas.
then go cut hair. hahas. again. i noe i noe. but tat time is cut fringe now trim whole head. lols. then go straighten also. hahas. cheap cheap. 18 in total. cut rite? though outside rite 25 for straighting. lols. think student price. im the last customer. lols.
my hair nt short now. but then tie up short short de. hahas.
waiting for call. kekes. while waiting. dl song to put in moi beloved mp3.! wee.
. ' 9:55 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

xiang mama and mi. hehees.

. ' 9:55 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

birdie and mi. hehes.

. ' 9:54 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

reminds mi of the mac pic. lols.

. ' 9:54 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

wendy and mi. kekes.

. ' 9:53 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

again us.

. ' 9:53 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

gIagIa(s). lols. saw hu behind?? lols.!

. ' 9:53 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

mi and ju.

. ' 9:52 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

we. =)

. ' 9:52 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

19.o7.o5. mi and chrise.

.Tuesday, July 19, 2005 ' 9:23 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee. i`m sibeii high now.! wee. one more wishlist of mine get off.! wee. =)
hmm. today. raining~ lols. then go back class. then slowly norhs. cos alot of ppl mahs. then was walking from 4nb there. then heard the national anthem song being played. lols. then vis was standing at the door there. then he kacau and say. " play song ler lahs" then was like. carrying out bag and stand for the song. then saw one gang walking mah. including one cher. ms. duno wat. sorry. then we walk also. walk until the mid of 4nc and 4nd. hahas. then all stand norhs. then song finish. then take pledge. then walk again. lols. then was saying pledge while walking. lols. then went in class.
normal norhs. hmm. got wat nehs? eng class. chit chatted wif kwang. he come sit wif mi. ting nv come. ps onli. lols. kidding lahhs. then chit chat norhs. after tat MT. nth much. then so on.
recess. take pic. cos kwang return mi my cam. wee. later put up. =)
phy. hmm. mr toh say badly done. hais. next lesson then take back. then he ask qn. then ask till mi. lols. so suay. then do lahhs. then mi jo xiang all being called except brenda. lols.
after sch. pei ju wait for her frenz. then makan at sch norhs. then after tat rain. then take cab go chrise hse. stand outside her door to wait for her. lols. cos my sch dirty. wet. scare later my feet also wet. then dirty her hse. hahas. then stand outside lahhs. hai hao she nt veri long. lols. then come my hse. take money change then go bishan first.
at bishan. chrise wanted to buy the pencil box. then end up nv buy. then go cinemas buy cheesy hotdog. lols. then chocked. lols. then keep coughing. so xin ku. then go basement buy water. then wanted to eat ramen. lols. my fav.! =) but end up dun haf lahhs. lols.
then went to sembawang. in train. we two are sitting. lols. on the floor. hahas. then sleep. hahas. veri tired sia. sleep till my head also suan. hahas. then at sun plaza got the duno wat lahhs. suddenly got sell alot of food. then saw candy floss! wee. then brought 2. one for mi and one for chrise. hahas. yummy. eat till my tongue change colour. lols. then go make contact. hmm. nt fair. chrise tml can take ler. lols. nvm lahhs. then the uncle tokin to mi tat time i keep eating. lols.
then go star factory play. hahas. play bb. hahas. then the machine spoilt. lols. then play the hand thing. duno call wat. hahas. then play ddr. lols. the previous player of ddr veri addicted to ddr nehs. till he copy down and write in paper. lols. li hai. *claps. wah. we two play until stomach pain. lols.
then go back yishun. buy mp3.! wee. brought the Creative Zen. yup. then extended the warranty. cos if extend rite. then hor. after this one year. spoilt. juz gif eu one new de. nt repair or wat. gd norhs. add 30 bucks. total is 359 bucks. wahh. pocket big big hole ler. hahas. think one side of the earpiece nt working lehhs. later check again. cos now veri hot. charging. almost got electrical shock. hahas. lame.
then go kfc makan dinner. then go popular help my kor buy harry potter. hahas. he`s now reading it. lols. gd. tat mean i can use com. wahaha.
then come back home. amanda dun reconise my voice. lols. cos i lose voice ler. nt sore throat also. lols. duno y. sick norhs. lols. then tok veri diff. hahas.
nth much.~
.Monday, July 18, 2005 ' 7:03 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wahh. sad. juz heard chrise say. xiao zhu luo zhi xiang father passed away. *sobs. hen sad..
today is 1 yr ler. happi. but. now. xiao bu chu. =(
. ' 6:40 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee. *increasing pitch. mp3 mp3 mp3 mp3. lols.
hmm. today. went sch wif tat big new uniform. lols. everyone start saying. " but new uniform ar" ahhaas. realli veri big. lols! then mux clip the sleeve up. if not look so small. >.< . hhaas. then hmm. wat else. o ya. joanne rebonded her hair. nice! got chio bu sit beside mi. ^^ make mi wan rebond again. but cannt lahhs. later rebond too much. lols.
got phy test today. though i got study. but nt confident at all. lols. hmm. got back eng paper. well. fail. =.- but 2 marks. almost all is fail by two marks. ok. tat batman style. lols.
today is so damn cold. *burr~
hmm. after sch tot got cd. then go ask ms ngoi. then she say dun haf. she nv told us. diaos. then. chrise went for her project then. then mi and ju slack at hall. wanted to c those wushu serious face. but. onli two came. =.- lols. c wat thing? lols. but. XUE HEN SHUAI NEHS.! lols. think he saw this will shuang dao fall ba. lols. but realli. serious guy is confirm shuai de. ahhaas.
then went walking ard. hmm. saw wendy fr and xiao tian. then chit chat-ed. then go library find chrise. she end her thing. then take bag. go hall take back my mag from jeremy. then he was like. we 6 ppl standin there wait for the mag. then he slowly read. wth.? =.- nt a GUY at ALL! lols.
then went mac makan. *yummy. hahas. then go np norhs. buy lots of thing. let mi name it all out. hahas.
'` 2 sylvester the cat foolscrap
`' 1 pink marker pen
'` 1 g2 0.7 black pen
`' help ju buy ss wb (B)
'` one notebook (orange)
`' shampoo for rebonded hair
'` solution for dry eye contact.
`' one lip stick for dry lips.
'` one pencil lead 0.5 (3B)
`' one teen
'` one teenage
`' one bk for amanda.
wahh. how much i spentt?! lols. tml still need spend money on these : -
`' contact lens.
'` mp3.!
`' DDR! wee.
haha. ya. i gona buy mp3. at first saw one cute de. but onli got 512 mb de. but i wan 1gb de. then saw one nt bad looking. 5gb. 2500 songs. 330 bucks. worth norhs. then tml goin to buy.! =) excited. so tml goin come back home change and take money and buy. =) hehehes. plus! can take my shoulder bag. lols. *xiaoxin in lurves wif shoulder bag. =))
tat all. lols. duno wat to write ler.
.Sunday, July 17, 2005 ' 4:34 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
here to release firee.
gIagIa02 fly mii aerooplanee!! arghh.
juz now veri fed up. now. nt so.
ytd she ask mi today wan go out anot.
can ar. cos today tution in morning mahhs.
then hor. she midnite sms mi say her ma no work.
which i today dan saw.
then. juz now. she ask mi wan go cwp mahs.
ok ar. stay at home for wat.
then i go quarrel wif my ma abt this.
cos she dun let mi go out.
quarrel wif her abt 10 mins.
which is my kor the one hu stop this quarrel.
then my ma say bath ler then can.
then i go chiong and bath.
then saw her msg say her ma goin wif her.
i mean.
can go wif her ma lahhs.
but later her ma ask mi lots of qn abt her.
how should i ans?
hafing a freaking moodswing now.
save mi god.!
` fivee minns laterr.
i`m feelinn betaa.
dun go0 tell her.
my words is big enough.
dun say eu nv saw.
i dun wan to spoilt the relationship between us again.
huever tell her.
i will kill eu.
i juz wan to cool down.
vent anger.
. ' 3:32 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wahh. cannt stand mann. add friend in friendster also got wrong. =.= ok. story goes like this. well. eu all noe i got new acct for friendster rite. then veri less ppl mahhs. then dun wan keep adding same ppl. then add some new de. then got this gal. i added her. then i think i add her stead also. but prob is i duno till she told mi. lols. then she accepted. then send mi a msg. say mi add her bf for wat. wahh~~ machim i got snatch her bf like tat. lols. *faints. this kind of thing also got. bu shuang then dun approve norhhs. ai yoo. somemore i dun even noe them. diaos. *faint agains. lols.
today morning tution. wahh. surprise. lols. he nt free at nite mahhs. suppose is 11 start. then at 11 he sms mi say he will be late. then end up 12 then come. lols. wahh. today quite successful har. lols. 2 jiu end ler. hahas.
suppose is go out wif ju. then her ma no work. then cannt go out ba. then chrise cannt go out also. hmm. nth more to say.
ahh.! something malu happen. lols. shh`
nth muchh baa. wan go play game lerr. =)
.Saturday, July 16, 2005 ' 5:58 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hahas. such a great day wif my cousin. hahahahs. nt dreamy ohhs. lols.
meet wif her 12.30 mahhs. then hor. kwang suddenly call mi. tot he call wrong no. lols. then he ask eu finish ur history project? then the more i think he called wrong. lols. then i say " i nt hist de lehh.. " then he say " gd. " lols. huh? ohhs. he wan borrow digi cam. lols. then meet him 12.15 at khatib. then hor. he late. diaos. lols. then meet wif her norhs. then hor. is yishun then khatib then so on mahhs. i forgot. tot khatib then yishun dan to orchard. lols. then mistake norhs. then mi drop at yck wait for her. then i board the train she is.
hmm. finally. i brought shoulder bag. but then. nt pink colour. and nt tat type i wan. but. in turn out to be beta. lols. is black in colour de. hmm. then is short short de. nt long long tat kind one. ai ya. duno how to explain lahhs. hahas. anyway. happi lahhs. finally brought one. hahas. ^^
then shop ard towns norhs. hmm. then go eat ramen. hahas. oyishii. lols. spicy. pain! cos got ulcers. lols. then got go cine. heeren. far east this all.
at heeren there tat time. veri funi. got one teenager. ard my age. older dan mi ba. come ask mi for my numbers. lols. so funi. i shocked sia. then feel like tellin him i les. lols!
then after tat go chong pang. i wan go there de aries. ai ya. today nobody at mac work. chey~ no fun. lols. then buy thing then come back norhs.
wan go play GTA ler. buais~
.Friday, July 15, 2005 ' 6:40 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. i saw sth which i think i shouldnt saw. hmm. i duno realli noe how to react. thing alr pass. dun think animore ba. juz tat recess fa sheng ler sth. dun say out beta. things alr pass. but. sad thing lahhs.
morning cannt wake up. jiu normally got alot of alarm clock. so mi dun wan put mahhs. then end up my ma also nv wake up on time. then mi saw chrise msg then shocked then wake up de. 6.40+ then wake up. lols. then piang cab. tat driver hor. wat liao. study in northland mux mean tat mux noe the ave meh? diaos. then he then shoot mi. diaos. then reach sch. hmm. kinda gif attitude to ppls? cos wasnt in gd mood lahhs. then nth muchh.
hmm. mrs lam ask mi to collect paper. alamak. she say she need ppl collect paper for her tat time hor. she choosing tat time lahhs. i look down on paper pretending yi xia. then she call mi collect. diaos. then collect norhs. lols. mi veri responsible nehs. still ownself go write down names hu nv hand in lehhs. lols. she also nv ask mi like tat do. lols. mi is a guai student. *winks. lols. bhb.
then after sch wait for ju. she got poa test. then go sembawang shopping centre. take the shuttle bus. then go buy uniform. size 36. omg. so damn big. acutally ok lahhs. but sleeve veri long. lols. but nvm lahhs. hahas. gd mahhs. then at sembawang saw rachel yuying john yeo and lots more. shocked sia. lols. this place also can saw them. hahas. then tat john yeo go take my cheese fries away and eat up. diaos. then say mi nv buy shirt for him got buy for others. lols. then i shoot him say i duno got ur size anot. lols.
then ju come my hse. then juz now juz come from my 846 there. go mac di siao yi xia vis. he at khatib mac working lahhs. then di siao yi xia. lols. then eat mac and bian mian. lols. so many. share wif ju. then buy the drink for my kor then go back home. now online norhs.
my kor is back. T_T lols.
.Thursday, July 14, 2005 ' 9:56 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
omg. friendster is driving mi crazee. i onli got 425 friends in friendster and yet i cannt approve new friends. they say full ler. wah!! so ma fann. im goin crazee!!
today is birdie`s birthday. wee. happi bdae once again. muacked her 3 times. lols. tao yan mahh~
i dun realli rmb wat happen. hmm. will miss out sth ba.
morning time. waitin for 4 special guys. lols! vis xue wr joshua. pass them their present. saw vis and joshua so pass them first. then xue went for competiton so his is handed to joshua. wr de lehh. vis help mi gif. lols. then be4 gifing to xue and wr. vis wan c mahhs. then found out tat this shirt i brought for xue is the same one as xue brought for joshua tat time. omg.! =( sad. cos they although is brothers. but then they dun wear same clothes out. they think is gay. lols. sad sad sad. hahas.
hmm. got POA test after recess today. dun reali noe how to do. sad. =(
recess time. keep chopping at ppls hand. lols. chrise right or left hand got 10 of my diseases. lols. cos from far far look like diseases. hahas.
was released earli. onli for performancers for speech day. hahas. skip diao PC period. diaos. lols. no much diff. then went makan. then went up hall. chit chatting. then wait for instructors. then go try costumes. omg. ok lahhs. hai haoo. but hui bu hui abit.. erm. no comments. =X lols. then try clothes mahhs. then keep changing. lols. end up got blue one. at first is orange.
then 1st time rehearsal. it was like kns. lols. music start too fast. sound too soft. then all timing wrong ler. ending when music stop all pose. then to us haben yet. cos start too fast mahhs. then reacted slower then all of us stun there when the music actually stop and yet we still doin out movements. lols. then all keep laughing. then kanna uma scolding. lols.
2nd time was beta. ya. quite success? maybe. lols. then after tat take bag go home lorhs.
halfway walking to np. started to rain. then wan take cab. got one ungentleman de guy. hahas. he took tat cab first. cos he was juz a few cm *nt so kua zhang. infornt of us. haha. then other time is one auntie. walk in fornt of us and hail cab. but she got children so let her norhs. finally it ours. then come back home norhs.
i cannt rmb anithing else. hahas. i onli noe im tired and. my ulcers is pain!!
tml is grace bdea~! bashing bashing bashing. hahas.
.Wednesday, July 13, 2005 ' 4:30 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
today mahh. nv late. i mean. nt as bad as last few times. lols. morning time so damn cold. until mi is shivering and walk to kitchen de. omg. so cold~ cannt stand mahhs. lols. but cannt stand hot too. lols.
then today mahh. got ss test. hmm. first time in my life tat i write the ans of the first qn until abt one pg. first time sia. last time onli 6-7 sentences onli. lols. then end up no much time to do the 2nd qn then anyhow write. lols.
then amaths. take back the linear law de test. upon 10 de. got 9. alot of ppl get 10 sia. hahas. then go through hw. nv do. =X then mrs lam fast fast go through. then hu noes. she use up emaths de period for abt 10 -15 mins. shiok ar! i then dun wan tat gay cher in. lols. so gay lehh! the wat victory sign. gif him make until sissy sign like tat. wat liao. saw ler will vomit sia. ahahs. then PE.
PE. do nth. go change. then go 2nd floor de. then wah! one big grp of gals went in. then we go back class. say wan at class change hao ler. then still got alot of guys inside. then go 4th floor. then saw those big grp of gals we saw in 2nd floor. lols. then went in change. quite alot of ppl lahhs. then juz change there. hahas. then went for PE norhs. then do nth. at first keep takin pic wif xiang mama. but then all nt nice. lols. then nv take ler. then we all go walk walk ard sch. then go to where our class gal are tat time. saw kelvin tan. nt chan. hahas. sitting at the duno where. duno call wat. then mr wong rub his leg. lols. he injured. wat. first time saw a guy screamin pains. lols. then help him use ice bag rub his ankle. then xiang mama first aid him. lols. then spray tat cold spray. veri cold de. i go try. wah. so shiok. haha. then for kelvin is of cos pain. then he keep shouting "cb" lols. hahahs. then still need to get hold of him. cos he keep moving. lols. then went back class. wait for the door to be open. then mi and xiang inside change. ju guarding. lols.
then got geo test. lols. duno how to do a single one. hahas! i totally gif up on geo and ss. lols. esp geo. hahas. then mr ng gif us one period study. then after tat test. mi finish test ler then at there sms. lols. mr ng also duno. lols.
mt do compo. sians. but first time write until full 2 pages. hahas. then chat chat yi xia. then jiu assembly. sians. assembly nt fun de. hahas. then go tat time jeffery told mi tat 3ee need to stay back. then mi siam. lols. i nv heard mahh. somemore i tot is 3ed. cos mrs yeo come and say " 3ed need to stay back" lols. then siam far far ler. hahas.
after sch. straight go take bus wif my primary sch frenz. hahas. long time no c her sia~ hahahas. then go bishan. buy the other two guys de present. xue and wr de. then brought one damn cute de shirt for myself. all from newbie de. hahas. this time buy XS size de. hahas. cos S is big for mi. hahas. then go eat ljs then jiu go home ler.
chrise - take care ohhs~
.Tuesday, July 12, 2005 ' 6:40 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
today mahhs. hmm. go sch wif my new haircut. toopid ju. say mi look like doll. lols. =X then nth much baa??
got amaths test today. hmm. easy? if i correct de hua. should be can get high marks lahh. btw. mrs lam hor. got write one eg to go through wif us be4 test. then one qn abt the same. 97% abt the same. onli no diff ba? then everyone guang ming zheng da de look at whiteboard. lols.
then today lawerence nv come again. shiok ar! hahas. two days ler. then chem cher duno is nv come or dun wan come in class. lols. no cher during last period. yahoo~!
then after sch then walkin along the corridor then duno hu hor. come knock mi yi xia. mi fist almost went over. lols. hu noes is lok. lols.
then got cd. wat lan. so damn pai seh dance tat dance. lols. so many ppl sia. ma lu ma lu. ahhas. then quite slack also. today indian dance onli got 3. lols. last time is they always got the most ppl come de. now onli got 3. then waitin for them to come back hall. hu noes they gone back home ler. diaos. then cd and malay dance together pratice a few times jiu go ler.
then be4 goin. take pic wif wendy. lols. today nt suitable for taking pic. lols. somemore my hp low batt. cannt take. lols. then help wendy and xue take. hahas. tat xue hor. lols. bwg. hahas.
then rachel come tell lok tat her fone lost. then everyone help her find. call her fone then touch all bag c got vibration anot. hahas. then go ljs. they go first. we take other cab. then reach there they say found ler. heng ar.
then lobang wendy yibing and rachel. yibing drop at mac there. then mi suddenly tot of. she can drop at sch there. same route. lols! then drop wendy and rachel. then mi go back home.
juz now go buy food makan. buy satay again. wee.! *yummy. tat uncle like recognise mi like tat. lols.
omg. tml got geo and ss test. may god bless mi. =)
.Monday, July 11, 2005 ' 9:16 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

can c? after cut moi hair.

. ' 6:37 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. today morning. nth much. juz tat. i was late again. hahhas. then morning time. vis pass mi my neos. i forgot abt the neos thing! omg. was so hartache when he told mi tat some was found in rubbish bin. so hartache. cry sia. abit onli. hahas. then sch starts.
recess time. go ask vis if he stil got my neos. he say dun haf. hais. then hor. someone break promise. then sad over tat. lols. then recess time. tat alvin and jeff fight. somemore beside mi. shocked sia. tot they play play de. onli can say. shocked. lols. then end lawerence nv come. slack at class. then alvin come sit wif mi. joanne nt here. cos she went for golf thing. tml too if i nt wrong. hahas.
then after sch got cd pratice. mass de. wah. tat instructor sibeii kp leh. lols. abit wrong then restart all over. somemore at hall. so damn hot. tml also at hall. alamak. no face dance this sia. lols. then veri earli end. cos alot of ppl nt here. plus tml all instructor will come. so end earli.
then went np. tat chrise so crazee abt sly. till make a sly ring. omg. hahas. then shop yi xia. go kfc eat whipped potato. then went home.
juz now go cut hair and dye back. hahas. at least my fringe nt short. =) hahas. at chong pang there cut sometime cut until so short. lols. quite happi wif it. kekes. then tat guy hu cut my hair veri professional. cos dye back colour. need wash hair also mahh. then he blow dry my hair till my hair is so damn straight. lols. hahas. he gu yii de. hahas. gd
last thing. juz now go down buy satay. oyishi!!!! so nice!!! *thumbsss up! hahahs. now wan go watch son of the mask. borrow from rabbit de. hahas.
.Sunday, July 10, 2005 ' 10:27 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. juz finish my tution. he was late. by 35 mins. hahas. then had tution norhs. on phy. wah. now my mind is totally abt all the term. like. " wave length. displacement. distance. speed. graph. accerlation. verocity. " wah. can die sia. later sleep time surely dreamt of all this.
eww. so hungry and tired. haben eat yet. >.< also haben bath. hahas. smelly~ hahas.
afternoon got one call from a unknown ppl. lookin for mrs goh. hmm. my ma lahhs. then mi feel nth at first. then call my ma abt it. tat woman say tat she hear my neighbour say my ma lookin after babi then ask her wan anot. then my ma nt at home. then i ask her to leave no. then she say she working. later call back. hmm. i dun find it veri strange at first. cos my ma got frenz helpin her to look for jobs. but then. my ma come back. ask mi alot of qn abt tat fone call. she say she afternoon time go my grandma there de amk hse. then wan go find tat outside woman of my laobei one. then no one ans the door. no one open. yet the window is open. then there got one shoe. look like my laobei de. which cannt be found in my hse. cos he wear tat out. *wasnt he suppose to be in thailand? then the story continues when i call my ma abt tat. she said. none of her frenz told her tat they gif someone her fone no. abt the job. cos they surely will tell my ma. then surely will say out my ma name de. cannt be mrs goh. then this happen after they went to the hse.
so dramatic hor? mi also think so. i got no comment abt it. but juz wann post up. cos i feel tat after i post the previous entry. i feel beta. so. hear mi crap then.
. ' 6:03 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
well. feeling beta ler. thanks for all of eu de concern. =)
hmm. went out wif ju. meet her inside the train. then use her new hp zilian. outcome nt nice. lols. then wan pai tat time. no batt. diaos. then go orchard. such an heavy rain. cannt walk. cos it so big rain. then go mac makan. then walk walk. then still raining. walk ard. then when small then chiong there. lols. but when chiong-ing tat time. rain like starting to get bigger. lols. then mi nv chiong. cos my slipper veri slippery. lols. dun dare run. later fall veri shameful. lols. somemore i wear tat jean skirt. lols.
then finally got into far east. hahas. so wet. dripping. then wipe ourself up. then go shop shop. finally. vis agree to the tee. instead of polo tee. lols. yeah. tshirt more nice lahhs. so cute norhs. hehes. mi brought for vis and joshua de liao. but nt yet xue and wr de. cos nv tot will buy today. so nv bring more money out. then buy a pencil box too. kekes. all things wif ju. lols. then shop shop. far east rox. kekes. so damn nice. all tops and bottom. wateva it is. it`s so damn cool. kekes.
then rush back to bishan. wanted to go c energy yi xia. end up. the Q is so damn long. cannt even go in. then shop. then take neos. nt nice de. lols. then went back home.
juz now take money wan go dye back hair and trim also. hu noes. close liao. diaos. mi in the mood to cut hair nehs. lols. nvm. tml norhs.
i`m tired. can dun tution?? =D
. ' 10:44 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
can eu all juz simple stop all this rubbish thing? both love and hate eu all come. everytime eu all come surely tok abt my laobei one. idiotic. argh. i haf enuff. at home eu all say to my ma and my ma tok to eu all abt tat jiu suan ler. i dun need eu all to tell mi. eu all are tokin so damn loud. no need eu all tell mi i noe alr. in fact i noe all this thing. i saw al those pics. think i no reaction mehs. i`m human being ok. still tel mi to follow eu all go find tat woman. tell mi to be like a detective or wat. pretend tokin on fone then take down tat gal pic. wth is it? tryin to teach mi to became a person hu snapshot ppl pic w/o noticing them? or wat?
i accept the true fact tat my laopa realli got woman outside. i had accept it. wat eu all goin to do is none of my biz. i dun wan to interupt eu all de game. wat a fun game har? it`s such an nice game. so envious. damn thing. asshole. juz shut the hell up. faster open the door and leave.! go continue ur game. dun bother mi. dun come ask mi to join eu all. it not fun at all. NOT FUN AT ALL! get out of my sight!!!!!!
simple juz hate them. =(
.Saturday, July 09, 2005 ' 11:45 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
alrite. my mood is back. hahas.
hmm. went out today to watch Fantastic 4. hmm. nice show. =) nice! hahas. funii.
then come back home be nanny. cos the adults playing mahjong.
nite time go downstair makan. nice. esp. the satay. *yummy
hmm. juz found one nice song. by vivian. ` ai xiao de yan jing. uploading it as my blog song. *winks.
. ' 9:50 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
argh. life sux wasnt it? i also duno wat had happen to me. i haf this tot suddenly. life was so suck-ing. argh. cant stand.
conclusion - im moodless to update anithing.
this is an damn suck-ing whole.
.Friday, July 08, 2005 ' 7:38 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

kaixinn again. hahas. she smiling again.! =)

. ' 5:59 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
forgot to say. reach hm tat time. saw amanda sleeping in her bed. then go walk pass my room saw my aunt sleeping. tot is my 2nd aunt. cos ytd she come ler. then she wearing her shirt de mahs. then after tat use com update blog then wan drink water. walk pass room. saw how come got babi beside my aunt de. then think is amanda but werid werid de. then look at amanda bed. amanda! inside. ah1! then room de is hu?!!! then hu noes is kaixin. ahas.
. ' 5:56 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

kaixinn de blur blur look.

. ' 5:55 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

kaixinn. so cute. she's smiling. =))

. ' 2:32 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. today. all nv meet. chrise nv meet wif mi. ju say also nv. then nv meet kel too. then go sch tat time at gate there saw two person familiar. i nv wear spec nor contact tat time. then think is chrise and ju. hhaas. then realli is lahh. then go in together. today quite earli reach sch. then my laobei go thailand. he went off even earlier then mi. diaos.
then got amaths first. then nth much lahhs. o ya! i got back my amath test. wohoo~! finally i pass. 24/30. wee. so happi. but then hor. is mid year de paper. ans sheet also got gif us de. hahas. but still veri happi. cos last time also got gif ans sheet then end up fail too. wee. so hei pi. =)) *ps - : finally pass ler. lols.
then got eng test. wah. do tat time also fall asleep. lols. veri tired sia. then do test. faster do. anyhow. lols. format also duno correct anot. hahas.
then after sch. go find miss ngoi. she hafing class. but juz knock at door then go in. hmm. tell her the syf disc might be inside the dance studio. ask her go open door. then she say she go open after sch. then end up wendy call mi say duno wat. i nv hear properly. cos i was ordering my food. sth abt miss ngoi de. but heck care. cos she say she ownself go take the disc de. then she got my fone no mah. if imp she will ownself call. rite? ahas.
then after sch. wah. mi machim so filrt. one gal wif so many guys. lols. at first got mi kel ju and elwin de. then end up ju and elwin no go. then mi and kel. then ask vis join too. then got vis de frenz of cos. hahas. the more the merrier mahs. then got kel frenz too. in conclusion. mi one gal wif alot of guys. lols. but after tat saw yuying. and her frenz. hahas. sit beside us de table. gd. got gal pei mi. hahas.
tat vis hor. ai yo. later eu realli got lung cancer then eu noe. =X lols. keep pinching him. hahas. fun. =) then he also got pinch back. lols. then we walk to np. got mi vis kel jason alfred<-- like tat spell ma? and alvin. end up onli got mi vis kel jason. hahas. then tat jason go bluff alfred and alvin say his hp lost. ahas. so bad. then go shop ard np. then take the yellow bus back sch. one round. wah piangs. at sembawang shopping centre mux drop then go up bus again. ok lahs. this logic can accept. but then keep say cannt take this bus again then beat ppl liao. hahs. no lar. end up hais bu shi like can. hahas.
then pei them walk to sch. they hafin orals. gd luck to all of eu all even though i duno eu all. hahas. gd luck. =) then mi take cab home.
sorry hor chrise. mi stomachpain then moodswing dun wan go ler. dui bu qi nehs. =(
then tat taxi driver veri nice. will chat wif mi de. hahas. then we keep toking. ahas. unlike tat taxi driver. lols.
then inside taxi tat time. kel call. they got some malays guy open his bag. then my neos wif him. gone. but alfred got it back. but duno neos got lost anot. to kel: - if neos lost nvm lahhs. lost jiu lost norhs. wun die. ur thing nv lose jiu hao ler lahhs. neos onli. somemore eu scan in com ler. then ok ler lahhs. =) dun worry ks.
so tired.. *yawns.
o ya. juz now outside sch take cab mahs. if nv take cab hor. sure die liao. cos in taxi tat time saw rohanna and forgot tat cher name walking towards sch. lols. if let rohanna saw mi die ler. 1) my dyed hair. 2) i should be at cross country there. lols.! heng ar. hahas.
.Thursday, July 07, 2005 ' 10:12 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
forgot to say. got two disc of syf left at dance studio. hope so lahhs.
then hor. my laobei sibeii lame. he today back then tml gone again. diaos. lols. come back slp. ahhas.
got alot of pic. 19 in total. hahas. cut down alot ler. hahas. cannt find the almost whole cd memebers de pic. sians. juz now cannt find alot. but found it at last. find until my eye became cock eye. lols.
hope eu all wun lag while browsing my blog. lols.
. ' 10:08 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

can c ma? chrise and ju tryin to kiss instructor. mi and wendy shocked.

. ' 10:07 PM Y
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we look like couple horR?

. ' 10:06 PM Y
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another one.

. ' 10:05 PM Y
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left - : mei aka dreamy. right : - me.

. ' 10:02 PM Y
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instructor wif us again. =)

. ' 9:56 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

look so childish. lols.