.Saturday, April 30, 2005 ' 5:27 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
is myy blogg ok?? hhaa.
hmm. chrise and juu wentt off ntt longg. hahaa. they reachh earlier. alot earlier then expected. they say will reach ard 12.45. in the end 11+ juz come ler. hahaa.
hmm. come lerr jiuu playy wiff thee nail arrt thingg lerr. haha. makee until all myy handd black blackk. butt thee resultt nice. hehe. wann buyy moree. hehee.
thenn eat. hehe. mummy cook dee bee hoonn. ntt badd. hehee. theyy alsoo likee tat sayy. =)) hahaa. myy maa soo happi. lolx.
thenn juu sleepingg. haha. mii andd chrisee chatt chatt norhh. thenn nthh muchh..
i wann buyy ipod shufflee. opps. almost spell as shuttle. hahaa. hope tml can buy then can quickly load song into it. hehee. =))
monn i wann study!! haha. goo outt studyy. wee. =))
wahh. dun feel likee tutionn. butt haff too.
. ' 10:53 AM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. todayy horr. earlyy morningg 5am wake up. omgg. still soo early? then goo slp. suddenly wake up. c clock. omg! 6.20!! y no one morning call mee. thenn i was thinkingg. ehh. all cannt be forgot de mahh. thenn goo c calander. chey. today sat. hahaa. siao. like sch too much liao. hahaaa.
thenn wakee upp eatt somee thingg too fill upp stomachh firstt. thenn watch tv awhilee. thenn help mummi fry thee thingg. thenn help her this and tat. now bloggingg.
laterr chrise andd juu comingg myy hsee nehxx. hehe. they come do nail art. hahaa. coss ii broughtt the neww nail art thingg. i mention ytd rite? hahaa. yupp. thinkk soo..
wann goo studyy lerr. juzz noww studyy halfwayy. hhaaa.
.Friday, April 29, 2005 ' 9:38 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee. here to post lerr. =))
hmm. todayy. onli noee i wake up too early?? omg. scary sia. i wass layingg onn myy bedd duringg 5.45+ thenn waitt forr laogongg morningg call mee. thenn sleep again. hahaa. thenn hee call. then wakee upp norhh. thenn heardd myy hsee upstairr gott ppl like walkk verii loudd orr watt. likee gott soundd. scary. tott off vivian foo sayy thee storyy. omgg. scary!! untill ii walkk outt off room thenn dunn haff lerr. omgg. dunn scare mii.
thenn verii earlyy. coss wann gett off outt hsee quickly. hahaa. thenn habenn 6.20 i leftt homee lerr. lolx. thenn too earlyy. wentt 7-11 shoppingg. hahaa. siao horr. thenn buyy m&m chocolatee thenn switts. hahaa. thenn boardd thee trainn andd meet chrisee andd thingg goess as usuall.
onlii untill recess. argh. damnn angryy. butt iff ii sayy outt will haii kelvinn nann zouu renn maa? coss gott onee gal. usee herr SEO powerss andd sortt off usee a verii unkindd tonee too tell mii tiee upp hairr. startingg ntt angryy. coss think tatt theyy doinn dutyy. dunn weii nann themm. thenn yuee think yuee angryy. argh! thenn thinkk ii tatt timee shouldd scoldd back. likee sayingg likee mdm taii pass byy mii hairr nvv tiee shirtt tucked outt alsoo nvv sayy anythingg. thenn shee here kb mee. somemoree shee sortt off staree att mii. arghh. noww yuee thinkk yuee angryy. argh! *cool down* pheww. relax. hahaa. thenn complainn too kelvin. lolx. sorry ar kel. paii sehh horr. thenn todayy gott listeningg. hmm. ok lahh.
afterr schh wantted too findd willy forr myy bkss! butt. cant find himm. thenn keep walkingg upp andd downn thee General office. thenn inn thee endd mii wentt in to GO wiff myy hairr tied andd shirt tucked. but! still kanaa scoldingg byy thee womann insidee. thee officee ppl. sayy watt whyy ii gott ringg andd necklancee. thenn ii takee outt myy ringg. thenn shee sayy wann findd willyy call himm. thenn coss ii dun wann takee outt myy necklancee soo ii wentt outt. dunn wann call lerr. iff nott shee continuee sayy. i haff nvv takee outt the necklancee lehh. i meann. unless ii wann adjustt the length lahh. if nott ii nvv takee downn be4 norhh. ratherr dunn takee backk myy bkss thenn takee outt myy necklancee. importantt too mee nehhxx. coss itt's really nicee. lolx! evenn ii bathh alsoo nvv takee outt.
thenn wentt homee. goo chrisee hmm firstt waitt forr herr too changee. thenn goo myy hsee. thenn juu comee myy hsee. wearr thee neww dunoo watt tatt beloww muxx wearr jeans thenn nicee dee. hahaa. thenn verii loosee. cos i nvv tryy jiuu buyy lerr. lolx. thenn keep adjustingg. hahaa. thenn juu comee lerr. thenn afterr awhilee goo lerr. thenn goo myy hsee downstairr eatt laskaa. wee. nicee. *thumbs up* heheex. thenn buyy icee creamm eatt. thenn goo backk homee changee sthh. haha. onlii mii chrisee juu myy maa andd. amanda?? hahaa. noee watt ii wann too doo. hahaa. thenn finallyy go off. haaa. thenn goo causewayy. thenn shopp norhh. nthh muchh. thenn saww myy prii schh friendd thenn juu sisterr. huiling theyy all. hahaa. thenn wee eatt cystall jadee kitchenn againn. yummy. chrisee att firstt dunn wann goo. coss shee eatingg att homee. butt wee dragg herr. hahaa. thenn juu trapp her insidee dunn lett herr outt. in thee resturant tatt timee verii funii. hehe. thenn afterr eatingg. goo takee neoprintss. =)) hehee. gott onee ii likee itt verii muchh. till ii putt itt insidee myy hpp coverr which cann bee seen fromm outsidee. haha.
o yaa. wee three buyy thee hp strapss. thenn thee salesgirl rite. maybee bad mood lahh. thenn shee takee outt tatt timee horr. drop all thingg. thenn shee scolded alot of thingg outt. likee " knn" . " wat piang" andd soo onn. haha. dunoo yy ii andd juu will laugh. maybee herr expressionn funii. i alsoo dunoo.
i wann buyy ipod shuffle lerr. coss ii noo need storee soo muchh songg. 100+ will doo. i believee after awhilee ii wunn wann too use itt tatt muchh. soo juzz buyy cheapperr de will doo. heheex.
be4 goinn homee. goo too thee nail art stall again. buy thee set A. consistt off naill arrt thingg. chrise and ju? iss sayingg tatt theyy wann come myy homee doo lahh. but dunoo cfm anott. hahaa.
juzz noww watchingg thee "shenn zhii yii fa " omgg. molesterr!! arrghh. idoticc. hahaa. soo emotional. dee mee. hahaa.
was itt aa longg entryy?
hahaa. dunoo.
everyonee. jiaa youu forr thee MYE! gambateh! fightt forr itt!!
.Thursday, April 28, 2005 ' 9:41 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
finally i am donee wiff thee blogskinss. phew. hahaa.
hmm. juz uploadd somee picc. tatt wee took lastt timee. nott really longg agoo. hahaa. takee aa look baa. creditt goess too kelvin. thankss.
hmm. onee prob is tat. i dunoo howw too makee tatt i goo any pagee off myy blogg i still cann hearr slyy voice (song) . haha. i dunoo howw.
andd gdd thingg iss.
no need writee lyricss. hahaa.
actually thee previous onee cann dunn writee lyricss. juzz tatt ii wann. hahaa.
. ' 9:40 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ slyy dee signn. ]

. ' 9:39 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ wee look likee kidd. hahaa. ]

. ' 9:39 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ in daa snoww. ]

. ' 9:38 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ thee huggiess dry pampers. hahaa. ]

. ' 9:38 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ wee 3 gurlss. ]

. ' 9:37 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ wearing nerdy spec de nerdy me. ]

. ' 6:53 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee. today iss ourr anniversary!! wee.!! hehee. thoughh morningg gott somee conflictts overr sthh. butt. it'ss over! hahaa. cheyy. yuann laii iss euu dunn daree tokk too mii. still tott euu angryy. thenn sadd forr thee wholee periodd till recess. hahaa.
euu all noee maa? wee gurlss verii kuaa zhangg. lolxx. wee predictt tatt rohanna wunn comee todayy. coss shee ytdd no comee. thenn huu noess shee gott lahh. butt horr. we all sayy haoo lerr. bringg discmann. preparee too listenn duringg ourr free periodd. butt. she cames.hahaa. butt wee still gott listenn too itt lahh. lolxx. inn emathss periodd. throww inn ourr earpiecee intoo ourr uniformm. lolxx. thenn mii bestt. hairr lett downn cannt c att all. lolxx. butt horr.earr painn. lolxx. hahaa.
thenn afterr schh gott amathss class. hmm. untill 4.300. omgg. hahaa. supposee too endd att 4 dee lahh. lolxx. still thinkkingg whetherr laogongg finishh hiss orall anott. butt huu noesss. ii comee outt tatt timee hee thenn wentt inn thee room forr orall. thenn. teacherr iss rohannaa. lolxx. amathss lesson verri funnii. tatt v.lamm evenn usee chinesee too teachh. lolxx. herr chinesee suxx. butt verii funii. lolxx. thenn thee twoo kindd hearttedd dee chrisee andd janicee. =)) peii mii waitt forr laogongg. soo gdd andd switt of themm. thankss too euu twoo. thenn wentt np.
att npp. we twoo teams seperated. yaa. teamss. lolxx. thenn inn thee endd saww eachh otherr att basemennt. lolx. omgg. myy eyee gott probb. seriouss probb. coss 348 ii cc till 180. lolxx.butt ii thinkk iss becoss off thee reflectionn forr thee glass lahh. hahaa. tott thee ipodd minii soo cheapp. lolx. butt ii gott too gett onee mp3 soonerr. hehee. =))
wentt npp walkk walkk. nv goo anywheree elsee. coss latee lerr. thenn att kfcc orderr pepsii andd whipped potato eatt. hehee. thenn verii funii. lolx. thenn saww viss andd hiss steadd. lolxx. thenn afterr tatt wentt home lerr. coss abtt too rainn. andd ii need goo homee lerr. thenn nthh muchh. as usual. hee sendd mii homee. hehee. thenn afterr ii stepp inn myy hsee. startt too rainn. opps. hee gott caughtt inn thee rainn
.Wednesday, April 27, 2005 ' 5:59 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. todayy. onlii rmbb gott pee. thenn runn less thann halff roundd dunn wann runn lerr. lolxx. thenn call lenaa writee fakee recordd forr uss. =)) lolxx. thenn goo backk tatt timee actt painn. thenn 2ndd roundd comee backk goo inn lerr. lolxx. today recess nvv saww laogongg. theyy all sayy hee lookingg forr mee. butt i dunn cc himm. sadd. butt nvv. yeahh. finally gott potato eatt lerr. lolxx. haaa. thenn nthh muchh.
afterr schh. juu goinn backk homee. coss yingg goinn herr hsee. thenn chrisee gott lesson till 5. mi gott lesson onee. butt nvv goo. lolxx. thenn goo homee wiff laogongg.
nthh muchh. wann studyy norhh.
tmll iss ourr anniversaryy. =))
.Tuesday, April 26, 2005 ' 9:38 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
woo. todayy. ermm. wake upp latee. lolxx. thenn meett themm latee. argh!! this few morningg soo hott dee. whyy?!! hott sii woo lerr. lolxx. onlii cann sayy. v.lam canntt expected uss to pass iff shee teachh tatt fastt. shee expectt we all noee eveythingg. iff wee noee everythingg watt forr goo schh lett euu teach. hahaa. although thee anss iss wiff uss alrr. butt. thiss teachingg methodd. i dun thinkk workss. hahaa. betaa dependd on myy tutorr. lolxx.
afterr schh wentt outt wiff laogongg joshuaa xuee andd tatt johnn yeoo. lolxx. tatt johnn yeoo horr. eatt thee " maii yaoo tangg " eatt untill. wahh. cannott describlee wiff wordss. lolxx. nott soo kuaa zhangg. thenn shopp shopp wiff themm. thenn went homee. hehee. laogongg sendd mii homee. hahaa.
thenn backk homee fasterr eatt. coss suddenlyy berii hungryy. >.<. hahaa. thenn eatt lerr. thenn takee caree amandaa. thenn laogongg calledd. aii yoo. mii wheree gott angryy wiff euu. gott alsoo awhilee dee mahh. thenn mii wann orhh orhh. cos mi veri tiredd. emathss sleep siaa. then heardd bell rangg. wah! soo fastt pass liao.. lolxx. thenn MT tat timee damnn tiredd deee norhh. wann orhh orhh.
chrise andd ju : wheree gott angryy wiff euu all. mii onlii wann sleep. haaa. ntt angryy lahh.
ahh!! 9.48 lerr. omgg. habenn doo hww. butt i feel likee sleeping againn. thoughh i alrr haff sleptt forr 3 hrr nap.
watt liaoo. myy parentt sibeii kb onee. ii sleep alsoo scoldd. siao! arghh.
.Monday, April 25, 2005 ' 8:08 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
arghh. typingg halfwayy thenn accidentlyy clickk on thee cross. arghh. need retypee again. siannzz.
i wass sayingg thatt ii wass stunn. y? coss laogongg writee testii forr mee. hahaa. hee wentt too joshuaa hsee too writee onee. i saww thee testii i stunn. coss ii tott sincee whenn ii day dreamm untill ii ownselff writee testii forr mee ii alsoo dunno. hahaa. morningg timee wentt too buyy amathss txbkk. omgg. soo damnn exp. 20+ omgg. thenn birdiee giff mii herr extra dee phy andd chemm bookk. shoo gdd horr??? yeahhh!! luvv birdiee!! hahaa.
afterr schh. rushh backk homee coss gott suddenn tutionn. hahaa. thenn took cabb backk. coss bagg reallyy damnn heavyy. haha. shoulddn'tt bringg myy vonn dutchh bagg. hahaa. tmll ntt goin too bringg itt lerr. hahaa. thenn thee driverr verii sott dee. hahaa. thenn goo myy hsee downstair buyy laskaa too myy hsee eatt. yummy!! haoo haoo chii. *drool* hahaa. thenn watchh thee pre record deee "zao an ni hao" hehee. coss gott slyy. hahaa. thenn chrisee keeep sayingg wann repeatt itt. omgg. hahaa.
thenn afterr tatt wentt too npp. wann too buyy trackk pantt butt thiss fashionn dunn haff blackk colourr dee. too badd. butt broughtt aa blouse?? dunoo call watt. butt need too wearr jeann dee. yaaa. tatt kindd. thenn wentt shopp shopp. omgg. i buy alott off thingg. fromm myy bagg onlii gott myy hp untill itt iss full. lolxx. foolscrapee andd all thiss. omgg. hahaa. thenn eatt kfcc thenn afterr awhilee wentt backk homeee.
broughtt aa neww comiccss call sthh likee myy vampiree gall. sthh likee tatt. lazyy checkk. habenn readd. onlii readd onee pgg. hahaa.
todayy gott lotss off hww. muxx finishh itt. midd yearr cumingg. muxx buckk upp. ! jiaa youu.
wann doo hww norhh. buaixx all.
.Sunday, April 24, 2005 ' 4:55 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. today morningg. watch the pacifier tat elwin lent me. nice shoW! thanks elwin. haha. then my aunt they all comee. cos wann goo cc thee new bornn babyy. hehe. then makann. thenn they all adultt tokk tokk then mee continuee watchh. finally watchh finishh. thenn nthh too doo. thenn watchh thee soull raiderss. then watch habenn 5 minss thenn they sayy wann goo lerr. =.= haha. butt becoss mee wann goo cc kaii xinn. <-- babyy gal namee. cancell myy tution!! wee. soo shiokk. hahaa. thenn myy auntt drivee theree. myy maa directt. haha. thenn myy auntt heardd wronglyy. goo drivee untill changii. hahaa. thenn saww changii airportt. hahaa. thenn theyy kiddingg sayy sunn biann goo cc planess. hahaa.
thenn finallyy reachh theree. saww thee babii. soo cutee. took onee picc off herrr. thenn shee keep cryingg. coss shee acutallyy sleepingg de. hahaa. thenn putt herr inn thee "yaoo lann" thenn we all chatt chatt. mee chatt chatt wiff biaoo jiee. thenn saww herr fonee damnn nicee. thee lightt pinkk dee. i wann. haha. c howw muchh firstt. hahaa.
oppss. korr backk. continue later. buaizx!@
.Saturday, April 23, 2005 ' 9:22 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. today went to c sly again. hahaa. at tampines sia.. soo "near" haha.
hmm. today wear my long time nv wear de black jacket. haha. and a jeans out. long jean. long pant. long time nv wear this kind of shirt out ler. hahaa. then feel so werid. haha. then meet chrise ler. go this fashion walk yi xia. then saw those tubes soo nicee. is shirt de tube lah. haha. dun anyhoww thinkk. thenn brought one blue de for me and pink de for chrise. hehex. we twoo almostt wearr the samee thingg todayy. bothh blackk jackett. insidee tubee samee designn diff colourr. ourr jeanss upperr partt samee. juzz tatt minee beloww gott moree thingg. hahaa. thenn wentt to toliett straightt changee. hahaa. thenn goo eatt kfcc. walk walkk. then goo boardd mrtt too tampinees.
reachh theree. wahh. bigg siaa. nicee siaa. hahaa. then walk walk walk untill damnn hungryy. thenn moodd wentt downn straightt. cos mee canntt decidedd watt too eat!! thenn slyy dee autoographh sessionn iss att openn plazaa. soo hott. myy moodd wentt evenn downn. arghh. thenn somemoree hee latee forr halff ann hrr!! omggg. att airr conn roomm latee still nvmm. theree sii beii hott. arghh.. then helpp juu buyy thee ablumm. chrisee wentt upp forr signaturee. off coss. theyy hugged againn. hahaa.
thenn goo bugiss cc bagg. thenn noo bagg nicee. thenn goo too shopping mall. thenn takee neoss. verii funii. gott onee picc iss chrisee liftt herrr legg upp. thenn shott herr legg too. lolxx. thenn wentt backk too yishunn norhh.
thenn wentt too buyy tatt vonn dutchh bagg. heheex. thenn buyy thee twoo moree tubess. thenn buyy starss thenn goo backk homee lerr. juzz noww soo busyy decoratingg myy room wiff gloww inn darkk starr. soo nicee. orangee andd bluee colourr dee. wee-eu-witt. nicee siaa. wann takee downn thee picc. butt dunnoo cann success anott. hahaa.
myy blogskinss gott probb?? mee sthh gott. soo gonnaa changee backk too thee previouss oneee. hehexx. savee timee. hahaa. lazyy siaa.
.Friday, April 22, 2005 ' 3:54 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
sob! my bks all gone! sad! haixx. regret siaa. ytd i should goo upp take those bkss norhh. want onee. but in the end nvv. sobbs. haixx. no use to sad over this lerr. alrr sadd forr the whole schh dayy lerr. cannt lahh. sobss.
hmm. so tiredd. wee. now then i noe buy fone w/o sign line no need signature de. which mean i can buy it myself. i will now start saving money lerr.!! yeah!! weee. =)) but dun think my ma lett norhh. sobss. nvm. save ler zai shou.
so tired. lazy updatee. buaixx.
.Thursday, April 21, 2005 ' 7:29 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
woohoo! high! y? cos cd de dance veri nice!! woohoo!! we all like it soo muchh!! it fan de. (shan zi) then is modern cum traditional dance. will perform it at speech day. then the time veri tight. so mux rush abit. june cannot go back sch. wei lao shi not free. then cannot go back norh. cos wifout cher cannt go back. haixx. but the dance veri nice!!! yeah!! grp wif wendy dee. hahaa. so high!! all like dun wan rest dee. hahaa. keep saying last time last time. hahaa. then instructor even say tat if can. wear whole black. then maybe face got put some shiny thing. haha. shiok sia!!
onli feel like update till here. hahaa. lazy mahh. ytd nite sth happen causes my whole mood goes all the way down until cannt be seen. haizz. suan ler ba. think of brighter side.
.Tuesday, April 19, 2005 ' 9:32 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm. morning nv meet chrise. so bu xi guan. hahaa. thenn wass kindaa latee. hmm. nthh muchh. juz tatt finally. my both science pass. hahaa. somemore unexpected markss. hahaa. tutionn gott usee liaoo. butt ntt applicablee to myy amathss. hahaa. suppose gott maths extra lesson. but mi ponn. cos he say cann dun comee dee. thenn dun norhh. fann zhenn gott quitee alott nvv goo. hahaa. thenn gott meetingg. hmm. ok lahh.. haha. noo comments abtt itt. thenn afterr tatt goo eat myy curry crunchh! =)) weee. hahaa. lovee itt more and more! hahaa. althoughh ntt verii tastyy. butt i simplyy juzz likee itt. hahaa. then myy twoo sistazz peii mii goo backk schh waitt forr laogongg. switt horr. soo gann dongg. hahaa. thenn tok tokk. tell themm myy problemms. sobss. nvmm. xi guann lerr. hahaa. i will onlii tell laogongg andd thee twoo off themm. hahaa. =)). afterr tattt. goo eatt macc. happyy meall. coss chrisee wan tatt boxx. hahaa. thenn buyy norhh. then three off uss sharee. coss we all quitee full. hahaa. thenn wentt npp. saww v. lam. hahaa. thenn alsoo saww viss. hahaa. thenn bye byee lerr. come backk continuee watchh my showw. heheex. abtt too finishh tatt timee. myy paa wann usee com. arghh. thenn doo hw norhh. thenn wahh. siann. dunnoo howww too doo. staree intoo thee spacee forr halff ann hrr. =.="
.Monday, April 18, 2005 ' 8:42 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
alrite. since eu start to say those comment then i shall reply eu!
well. at first i am not angry. treating this matter lightly. but now. since eu start to say me then i shall say back nasty thing.!!! eu are the one hu say nasty comment first!
one thing veri funni. tat is. y becos of my nick de msg. then eu told tat ju eu are standing at her side ler? like eu say. between them. then y becos of my view eu will go side her? funi wasn't it? yes rite! hu are eu to this thing? eu say eu choose to side her cos eu think she is rite. yeah! so am i. i think chrise was rite! tat y i will side her. reason y i am will perpously write tat in my nick is becos i dun wan ANYONE to think tat i amm the middle person. NO! i am NOT! N-O NO! I AM DEFINITELY standing at chirse side. but becos i bias her. but I GOT THE SAME VIEWS AS HER! I SAY THE SAME THING AS HER! i dun wan to be the middleman! how she treat mi last time! tell eu straight! I AM EVENTUALLY REVENGING! rmb the morning when i come sch late. then saw eu and ju at her side. eu all nv came to me at all! until bell rings. after tat i then noe tat is she the one hu dun let eu all come back! i nv pull eu all back when she wan to tok to eu all. i juz simple walk away. i nv dun let eu all go there. but yet she dun let eu all come back. this is the main prob when eu doesn't had anyone at ur side! i dun wan chrise to suffer like mi. i noe how terrible it feel! tat is how she could cruelly treat someone.! i noe this doesn't do anything abt the sub. but i juz simple goin to vent all my anger out at once!
between she and lok. yess. rite. eu are rite. but she did say thing abt us say miss ngoi useless and i am also the one hu say miss ngoi useless and she is the one hu ask mi y i say tat. btw! should be mi the one hu say her useless. and she mention it in her blog. saying comment to those hu say miss ngoi useless. and i say again. in fact. I AM THE ONE HU SAY TAT! so! conclusion! she is saying abt mi too!
haloo! btw. did eu mention sth tat say "if u all got any prb wof each other,say it out face to face and settle........ " y nt eu shall tell this to her! she is the one hu start to write her comment in blog but nt saying out face to face mah. maybe this sentence is meant for her!!
well. here are sth tat we all think. alrite. nt my business. but now. it involve me. i goin to shoot it all out. wat for eu hold a dancer back hu doesn't want to go for pratice. wat for rite. might as well either ask her to make a decision whether to quit or to stay. i got ask her personally be4. she say she dun wan to come. her leg injured and so on. eu continue holding her back. then reserve a place for her for the dance. then in the end. she last pratice then come. wat for? might as well start bucking up to find new members.
U DO THING TO WAT EU THINK IS RITE. AND SO AM I! speaking frankly lor. we alr xi guan quarrel wif her. ok. me also xi guan. so i wun care. i wun think of this thing until i am wat metally broke down or wat. but eu. i haf nv quarrel wif eu. if eu haben make ur comment in ur blog. eu say it out to me directly. i wun be angry. but since eu say it in ur blog. o well. eu are the one causes it. yesh. i say i bs someone which is acutally eu! saying mi interferr their thing. but i say! i dun wan make anymore those nasty comment. now! eu make nasty comment first. ON CONCLusion! she start the prob between she and chrise. EU start the prob between EU AND ME! i am nt goin to say wat disappointed in eu. i juz say it straight. IF EU HAD NT POST THE ENTRY. I AND EU ARE STILL FRIENDS. BUT SINCE EU MADE IT. EU NOE WAT I AM GOIN TO SAY.
small prob also gif EU to became BIG prob.
. ' 5:28 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
my choicee iss still thee samee. hahaa. coss tatt watt ii thinkk. hahaa. juzz BS someone sayy mee go andd interferee theirr thingg. arghh. dun wann makee dirtyy commentt. but damnn bs abtt tatt. butt mee ntt goinn too caree abtt itt. hehexx. =))
hmm. morningg. xue come meet us also. hahaa. then went sch togetherr. xuee andd laogong got the samee bagg. hahaa. soo buu xii guann saww themm usee samee bagg. hahaa. thenn morningg timee. sott sott dee. hahaa. thenn att flagg risingg tatt timee dunnoo watt happenn too laogongg. thenn askk himm watt wrongg. thenn hee sortt gott raisee hiss voicee att mee. att firstt off coss iss angryy. butt thenn thinkk hee mood ntt gdd thenn will likee tatt. coss hee normallyy wunn dee. thenn nthh lerr. att recess timee. keepp tellingg himm too gambatehh. cos hee andd xuee gott competitionn. JIA YOUU! hahaa. thenn tatt toopidd alvinnn. qii sii woo lerrr. shouldd quarrell wiff himm. hahaa. butt ii ntt tatt xiaoo qii. juzz saww himm wunn smillee onlii. hahaa.
afterr schh gott ss extraa lessonn. hahaa. thenn chrisee and juu waitt forr mee. =)) heheex. thenn goo sch theree dee macc makann. thenn thee macc otherr sidee gott cockroachh. eee. hahaa. nooo wonderrr thee gals overr there screamm likee hell. haha. thenn wentt too npp wiff chrisee. wann too buy tatt bottle. butt dunn haff thee onee i wann. thenn wentt too eatt tat curry crunchh. fatt sii woo lerr. hahaa. thenn goo backk homee.
.Sunday, April 17, 2005 ' 9:13 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
firstly! i wan to say sth! i SUPPORT CHRISe! y? cos i got the same view as her. and i say the same thing as her. hahaa. *winks*
toady ar. forgot. onli noee wakee upp tatt timee. myy eye painn againn. hahaa. really every month will swollen de lehh. soo idiotticc. hahaa. suayy norhh. hahaa.
thenn be44 tutionn. wentt too haff aa napp. thenn oversleptt. stevenn comee lerr. thenn i still sleepingg. haaa. thenn soo tiredd. thenn wakee mee upp. thenn buu shaungg. showw ljj facee. hahaa.
tmll phyy testt. gambatehh. *jiaa youu*
.Saturday, April 16, 2005 ' 8:00 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee.! went to c sly again. HAO SHUAI WORX!!
mi and chrise meet at yishun first. cos i hungry. wan eat. hehe. then as usual. she say she nt hungry. haha. xi guan ler. haha. then went to eat tat kfc curry crunch. hey heyy. ntt badd nehxx. hahaa. oppss. myy alienn languagee backk. hahaa. canntt controll. hehexx. then afterr eatingg. shopp shopp awhilee att npp thenn wentt to cityy hall lerr. thenn tott thee cityylinkk malll att dunoo wheree. butt hu noess. comee outt off thee mrtt saww thee mall lerr. hahaa. thenn wentt shoppingg firstt. goo tatt timee onlii gott three pppll. hahaa. soo walkk walkk. thenn goo buyy popcornn againn. BURP. soo fulll. hahaa. excusee mee. hahaa. hadd eatt thee popcornn forr 3 dayss inn aa roww. omgg.
thenn wentt too Q forr thee autographh sessionn lerr. hahaa. hmm. verii shuaii worxx. fromm thee stairr upp theree comee downn. soo shuaii. thiss timee picc quitee clearr baa. coss verii nearr too stagee. hehee. =)) butt camm att chrisee theree. hahaa. whilee waiittingg forr slyy. still helpp chrisee suann tarott cardd. hahaa. thenn finallyy hee camee. tokk tokk abitt. cann signn lerr. hahaa. thiss timee gott shakee handd lehh! hahaa. gdd gddd. butt tatt crazee chrisee. saww otherr ppll cann hugg slyy. thenn borroww moneyy fromm mee andd goo buyy onee moree ablumm andd goo upp giff himm signn andd hugg! hahaa. too crazee overr himm lerr chrisee. hahaaa. thenn ii goo takee theirr huggiess picc. hehexx.
o yaaa. sayy untill huggiesss. wee afteerr tatt goo bishann. thenn takee neoprintt. wee. nicee. espp. thee huggiess onee. hahaa. i sitt onn chrisee legg. enn aii horr. hahaa. =X likee thee picc soo muchh. thenn weee goo joinn thee energyy Q. gott aa minii concertt att openn plazaa. butt wee dunn haff thee tickett. cann redeem thingg dee baa. butt dun haff. too badd. canntt reallyy cc. gott alott off ppl. thenn ppl behindd videoo-ingg themm. thenn cann zoom. thenn look att thee videoo camm. hahaa.
soo tiredd.
wahh. nvv saww myy laogongg todayy. guaii guaii. butt worth itt. hehexx. =))
oppss. koorr comee backk lerrr. siam!!
.Friday, April 15, 2005 ' 8:52 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee. sch time nth much. juz tat time pass veri fast. omg. my geo fail. =.-" tot i will pass. haixx. sian diao.
after sch. went to np wif chrise first. go makan. saw wendy fr they all at one table. then yuying rachel yibing and one table. haha. say hi to one then say helo to the other. haha. then makan. then i use all coin to pay. cos i got alot of coin. nv change wif mummy. then use coin norh. then the guy shocked. haha. so funii. then makan finish ler. go cwp first. then ju ltr then join uss.
then goo tatt time. we go board the marina bay de line. mi still duno. but chrise noe. but since the door close ler jiu suan ler. then if really board wrong we go yishun stadium norh. cos peiying having sports day. but so qiao. the door open again. then chrise faster say come out. i still gon gon tat time. then come out. then saw the opp. train is the jurong east one. then noe board wrong. haha.
then reach there. happen laogong call me. then he at woodland bus interchange. haha. then we shop shop. then me go buy tat black frame no degree de spec lerr. wooo. ahaa. at first c veri odd. c more nt so ler. then go take sepia neocard wif chrise wearing tat spec. haha. then ju come ler. saw me then say veri ugly. argh. hahaa. then shop shop norh. then onli say say wan go buy popcorn eat. then hu noe got samara. then the time is the time when we at cinemas. then faster buy. if not cannt buy ler. then buy combo then go in ler. go in tatt time jiu gang gang hao start.
ok lahh. not veri scary. but abit digusted when the samara crawl from the bottom of the well. ekk. but veri funii. " i'm nt ur ****ing mother " tat wat the main lead say. haha. tat time me covering my eye. then heard this laugh until bu xing. haha.
i wan go watch tv ler. bb. tml goin c sly again. wee.
.Thursday, April 14, 2005 ' 9:11 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
woohoo. so wet now. juz now go bath. dun think anyhow. haha. hmm.
morning time. change venue. haha. go chrise there sit. haha. automatic. haha. then play play tok tok norh. then after tat is eng. tooopidd batmann. chaoo sii lerr. haha. engg horr. *shake head* fail siaa. alot of ppl faill. somemore thee wss iss giff be44 dee. then moree ppll faill. hahaa. weridd ritee. haha. then ss test. *sobs* there ming ming say write one factor eu think most imp mah. wah. then onli write one. then veri fast go sleep ler. then rohanna c mi and xiangg maa maa de paper. say we onli can get 3 out of 15 marks. then i still gong gong. huh? how come. wo yi zi bu luo de write out the factor le leh. *nt tat kua zhang.* but really norh. haha. then how come fail?? then after test. they say mux write other factors also. wat liao. so angryy.!! not i duno how to do lehh. iss.. argh!!! so qii. qii sii woo lerr. then horr. my mood damn bad. haha. but afterr MT ok ler. haha. mi nott xiaoo qii guii. =P haha.
duringg recess horr. hahaa. funii thingg happenn. jiuu viss lahh. playy thee bottlee. then hitt untill myy legg theree. *sobs* haha. painn lehh. thenn horr. i keep shoutingg painn. nvv saww wat happen butt ju toldd mee dee. she sayy thenn laogongg dulann. then takee thee bottlee andd throww. thenn chopp intoo the dustbinn. hahaaa.!! xiaoo sii woo lerrr. hahaa. thenn theyy all cheerr untill soo loudd i still blurr bluurr. tott ii kanna hitt thenn theyy cheerr. hahaa. woww!! soundd soo shuaii nehhxx. butt nvv saww. =((. wahh. nvmm. hhaaa.
thenn afterr schh. wentt too causewayy too chrise. hahaa. thenn shopp shopp. in the endd shee nvv buy thee thingg she wanntt. hahaa. mi wann buyy clothessssss!! hahaa. i siaoo lerr. *nod head* hahaa. thenn wee ntth doo. att cinemass dee tablee there eatt popcornn. hahaa. thenn comee backk. moree thingg gonaa add too myy wishlistt lerr. hahaa.
now businn add friendd for laogong. hhaaa. still ownn viviann foo compoo. =X. muxx doo lerr. thenn dll haoo dee showw alsoo cannt watchh. wahh. maybee biann zuoo hww biann kann. =))
.Wednesday, April 13, 2005 ' 7:52 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hmm.ytd nite gif my lao bei gan until veri hiong. no mood fight back wif him. so diam diam. nv say anything.
today. onli rmb after sch de thing. haha. eng period. wah! birdie xia si wo. tot she fainted in my arms. cos she sick. then tat toopid lawerence. say me wat. disobey. dotx leh she. student sick ler still like tat. then faster call kel ask rixiang come. then mr chye cum.then send her down to sick bay. then me and rixiang hold her to sick bay. omg. veri scare she will fall nehx. then pei her at sick bay taking care of her. until after sch. haha. then went for amaths remedial. was kinda late lah. but v. lam nv scold nehx. then she say i got improve lah. but. abit norh. haha. then at her remedial class veri relac one. tuck out this all she dun care. haha. gd nehx. haha. then veri fast end ler. then me and jo went to hall. find laogong. haha. then jo pei mi mi pei her. cos she waiting for brenda. then brian veri funi. haha. even took pic of him. hahaa. then after tat. wait for ju to come back from the seashore de. then go find laogong they all. on the way saw laogong. no lah. he come find us then go together. tat time raining.
then at mac sit dao hao hao. then the manager then come kb. say wat northlander always nv buy thing then sit then other customers no place to sit. nb. they all got buy thing eat leh. then like tat say us. wat liao. then all northlander hu nv buy food all kanna gan out of there. nb one leh. raining so heavy. then pei tat john yeo buy his ear ring or wat lah. then go birdie hse downstair sit. then gif my power 9 card to john yeo. free for pirecing. fan zhen me also cannot pirece le. later lan again. haha. then tok tok. then go libaray. haha. then saw the book got prevert thing. hahaa.
then after tat all go home. then joshua stay near my hse de mah. then mi him laogong go take bus 812 together. haha. tok tok norh. then bye bye. then reach home ler. haha.
.Tuesday, April 12, 2005 ' 7:36 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
yesh! we got silver. well done! though nt gold. but we did our best dun we? happi nehx. lurves all cd members and of cos cd! hehex.
miss ngoi so useless. *shake head*
. ' 5:26 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
weee. today morning tired nehx. haha. oya. ytd play wif amanda. play until veri funii. hahaa. somee shouldd noee. hahaa. noww writinn alsoo feel likee laughingg. hahaa. thenn nthh muchh.
ss test postpone. cos of tat tico. but gd thing. haha. to thurs. then wat else? hmm. got chem test. we all tot miss melissa nv comee. nv study. hu noe she got. but ok lah. if wat i think is rite. then can pass. omg i got something to say. my emaths damn poor. 2 marks onli =.=" die die.
after sch got nafraa. hahaa. ok lahh.juz tat shuttle run hor. shouldn't wear shoes. haixx. drag alot of secss lehh!! qii sii woo lerr. another thing iss. my ma brought the duno wat fone. forgot the model le. for er jiu mu. *did i metionn itt be44? * then horr. juz noww att npp wif chrisee. saw onlii 148 leh!! my ma buy for 200+ omgg.! wasted! suan ler ba. i also wan. but dun wan lah. like veri wat. every few months change one time. spendthrifter sia. *shake head*
.Monday, April 11, 2005 ' 6:59 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ wat a shocking expression of herss. cool expression off hiss. =P. ]

. ' 6:59 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ host and sly. ]

. ' 6:58 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ mee andd chrisee. ]

. ' 6:57 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ fangruu andd mee =)) att imm. ]

. ' 6:57 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ renfuu. ]

. ' 6:57 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ meng zhee ]

. ' 6:56 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ xie zhii. ]

. ' 6:55 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ woohoo~. ]

. ' 6:54 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ 56 at Imm. all picc off 56 iss takenn byy chrisee. ]

. ' 6:54 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ it'ss sly's. ]

. ' 6:53 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ chrisee 56 vcd. which iss signaturee. ]

. ' 6:53 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ daa ringg tatt chrisee putt onn forr mee. =)). wee aree enageddd. ]

. ' 6:51 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ itt mee. inn sepiaa modee. ]

. ' 5:50 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wee~ finally syf finishh! yeahh. hmm. thee dunno whichh instructorr. sayy ourr dancee ntt badd. cfmm will gett a awardd. but dunno watt. hahaa.
earlier morning afterr flagg risingg jiuu sweatyy lerr. y? coss afterr flagg risingg. we alll goo halll praticee lerr. soo hott andd sweatty. thenn wassh upp. att dancee studioo. thenn tiee hairr thiss all. mee personallly feeel tatt thiss timee makee upp hairr. quitee nicee. at leastt nicerr lehh. butt juzz tattt wee needd too clipp outt hairr upp. thenn wee iss need tiee upp halff thenn thee restt plait itt. wooo~ nicee leh. butt fringee need too clipp upp. then nott nicee lerr. thenn makee upp thiss all. thenn changee. thenn boardd buss.
argh! me chrise ju takee ourr bagg upp staff room mahh. thenn horr. wearingg custume mahh. thenn horr. saww alan yongg. toopidd himm. sayy scaryy. wthh. wee goo theree iss weii lerr ourr schh dee lehh. toopiidd. next timee BB goo competition alsoo like tatt sayy themm lerr. =P. argh. during tat period. is uppper secc recess. then was likee. we kanna shoot like hell. argh!! f them. dun wan. haha.
thenn jiuu competition lerr. hmm. actually nott verii scaree. coss i can't c anyonee. hahaa. thenn okk lahh. haii haoo. thenn boardd buss backk too schh. thenn onn thee wayy. takee outt hairr dressingg. wipee off makee up. hahaa. arghh. noww myy hairr hardd hardd dee. coss gott sprayy hairr. habenn bathh yett. juzz now chrisee come my hsee. hahaa. watchh ge dou.
laterr updatee. laterr thenn continuee. i wann goo bath!!! soo err xinn. hahaa. buaizz.
* hopinn tatt wee couldd gett ann goldd. butt att leastt ann silverr. * =))
.Sunday, April 10, 2005 ' 7:58 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
hahaa. tution finishh. oppss. cannt use alien word. birdie dun understand. wah. veri diff. to get rid of this habit nehx. nvm. hahaa. during tution. i like crazee. keep making soundd. cos i am hungry!! >.< hahaa. now full ler. toopid leh. me tution finish faster go eat ler mah. then my ma say go down eat. then go down. so slow siaa. alot of customers. then my kor need to rush back army. then me need rush back home. wan watch nkf charity show. argh! 6.15 wait till 6.45. dotx rite. somemore food also nt nice. =X haha. at downstair keep showing bs face. haha. then kanna scolding from my ma. say where always gif tatt kind off face. haha. then hor. my kor finally finish his food. then the tv showing 56 singing fang shou yi bo mah. then he say go liao. then i say wait a while. then he keep saying wat need rush back wat nth to c. wat liao. i hao xin wait for him nehx. i can go one leh. then he like tat treat him. diao him then shout go lah go lah. haha. shiok. =X
haha. laogong using his biao jie com. haha. eh! juz recieve his msg. say he goin hm. ooo. too bad. cannt c anymore ler. hahaa.
. ' 3:07 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥
wah!! rushingg off timee. 3.300 gott tutionn. omgg. fastterr. still wann too uploadd slyy dee neww songg.. updatee. omgg!! haa. crazee. hahahaha. hmm. tution shouldd bee att nitee dee. butt i wann watchh the nkff. soo changee itt. hehex. hmm. juzz noww playy simss. myy simss fromm babyy till teenagerr lerr. hahaa. yeahh. morningg timee keep smsingg wiff chrise.haha. shee att 566 theree.. woo~ hahaa. rushingg off timee. buaizz.! btw!! i cannot dropp tutionn!!! arghh. suann lerr.
.Saturday, April 09, 2005 ' 8:19 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ hahaa. laogongg. lastt timee longg longg agoo lokk touu paii dee. ]

. ' 8:18 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ believee iss myy eyess maa? saww thiss picc dunn shockedd worxx. hahaa. ]

. ' 8:17 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ starr madee byy mee chrisee andd juu. ]

. ' 8:16 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ itt mee againn. inforntt off comm. ]

. ' 8:16 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ mee. att homee boringg nthh too doo. ]

. ' 8:16 PM Y
i love-d you. ♥

`+ [ myy backk. hahaa. cann cc thee cross markk maa? ]